Toronto Living Shangri-La Toronto | 214.57m | 66s | Westbank | James Cheng

I wonder when will this tower peek into the skyline from the west veiws of the city?
Im sure this will have big impact while driving on the gardiner into the city.
I can already see it from my place in the west end. Unfortunately, my camera sucks and pictures that far away don't turn out very clear.
funny how this thing is almost 30 stories, yet, it doesn't look that tall. i don't know what it is that makes this thing look so short. i think it could be the footprint that's just large.

I'm perplexed by this too. Without really thinking about it I thought that maybe they were on the 12th or 15th floor until 'interested' stated that it was at the 28th. Is University & Adelaide in a low lying area? When complete, this should be a little higher than Ritz but at this rate I question the impact that Shangri-La will have from the north.

Shangri-La today from my POV and it's scale with surrounding buildings at 28 stories (you can barely see the pink hoarding at the top of the building below the red arrow).

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amazing view as always ^^^
Shangri-la is gonna be an amazing new landmark tower here. it'll flll in a gap that you only now realize was there. and aura is... well.... gonna be a tank.
Gotta say S-L is a becoming a big pile of doggie doo...very fussy typical James Cheng garbage here--throwing the kitchen sink of mirrors and angles here doesn't cut it when the 4$ shows how its meant to be done... 1 March 2011 walked by, the base is such a mess it's just not urban enough--a glass mcmansion on U-ave???

I must say I agree with UD that 4S is beautiful.
That said, it is improving as it gets more completed.

I don't agree with the assessment on SL. I find the angles both interesting and the podium glass along the SE end picks up the architecture of the Opera House across the street.
I find the building interesting and that the angles help what would otherwise be a square 66 storey box. Is it too busy? Not to my eyes however we will have to see when we see more. I think like 4S, it will continue to improve as it grows.
The 5 stoery seperate buildingI believe adds alot of interest. My view is that this building does a good job at street level, especially along University of complementing the street angles.
Along the same venue, while I do like 4S; I am underwhelmed with both the Ritz and Trump. I appreciate the angle on the Ritz from the South and its podium is nice to my eyes above the first floor; not crazy about it at ground level, but otherwise it doesn't do it in my opinion. Similarly Trump is improving as more gets done but it is not a particularly interesting addition in my view, though being sleek does offer it an advantage of SL which is much more massive and hence has more challenges in my view. A bit like comparing a sports car to a limo; which one would you think is "nicer". And yet, given its location and being wedged within other buildings, I think SL will out do it.
I am curious UD,
What elements would you change: ?eliminate some of the angles. Or would you prefer a whole new design?
Looks a bit busy at street level now with all those different panes at various angles, but I think she'll clean-up real nice when standing tall and fully clad.
impressive shot urbandreamer ^^^. wow, the angled glass really compliments the building. (and this thing is getting huge.). The glass facade already looks amazing and it's only covered about 10 floors of the structure.

FS seems more of a classy building.
Shangri-la is way more visually intriguing than FS.
i dont know why, but im having a hard time liking this project, maybe its because it looks to me like something that belongs in the suburbs. i guess as it progresses i will have to wait and see if it will grow on me.
funny how this thing is almost 30 stories, yet, it doesn't look that tall. i don't know what it is that makes this thing look so short. i think it could be the footprint that's just large.

Density in the core has reached the point were any building under 700' will add to the density, but go unnoticed in the built form. Even when SL is finished, it won't have much of an impact on the skyline. Aura and 1 Bloor on the other hand, will.
Clearly you mean that as a generalization. It depends on where in the core. SL's location will make it more of a stand-out. For now, at least.
