Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

Based on the rendering, those vertical lines represent the opaque green glass in the test panels. Might look kind of interesting if the end up using the panel on the right. The one on the left is way to busy.
Surely they're just testing out the colour of the glass. Or at least I hope so, otherwise it going to end up looking like that ugly blue building along the DVP near Eglinton.

I acually like that building, its different.... that blue, and the L-Tower with height and curves would look spectacular in our skyline.:cool:
I think everyone is discounting the one on the left too quickly. I think if a lighter colour of glass was used (more of a grey or very light blue) it would look pretty sharp (and not too far from the renderings as many are worked up over). Going with dark glass like that would kind of be pulling one over on the people who have already bought in based on the promotional material, in my opinion. If they are set on the dark glass though (and since they used it in both mullions that may very well be the case) the mullion on the right is the clear choice.

And what's with the opaque piece in the middle of each? Is this the whitish stripes up and down the building on the render? If so, it looks too dingy. Should be the same colour as the horizontal spandrel stripes at the top and bottom of the one on the left.
I think everyone is discounting the one on the left too quickly. I think if a lighter colour of glass was used (more of a grey or very light blue) it would look pretty sharp (and not too far from the renderings as many are worked up over). Going with dark glass like that would kind of be pulling one over on the people who have already bought in based on the promotional material, in my opinion. If they are set on the dark glass though (and since they used it in both mullions that may very well be the case) the mullion on the right is the clear choice.

And what's with the opaque piece in the middle of each? Is this the whitish stripes up and down the building on the render? If so, it looks too dingy. Should be the same colour as the horizontal spandrel stripes at the top and bottom of the one on the left.

We need more grey? Yeah, like a hole in the head!
I was thinking something along the lines of Telus House, which I think would look great and pretty close to the renders. But yes, there is a fair amount of similarly coloured buildings in this area already.That said, that's that they advertised; a greyish blue.
^^ A Telus Tower style cladding would have been amazing.

I put together a very crude depiction of a few of the panels in place. Please forgive my terrible MS Paint skills. :p I hope you don't mind android.


yep, thats the idea! these will form the patternation shown in the renders. They will probably change it up every 10 floors or so with some degree of randomness thrown in. It look like this is one of the very few projects that is actually going to follow through with the patterned glass that was shown in the renders. Is it a choice between the 2 or will each be used on a different section of the building? In anycase this will really pop against a nice blue sky!
I agree with all of you... Blue looks very ugly... Silver or light grey look much better, like those already installed at the back of the Sony Center
I'm actually getting sick of all the greens and grays in this part of town. Some bold black and blue will help this tower really stand out.
I think both are just fine. I do think the darker one would look better with the light vertical strips though. It would show them off more.
Here's the above pics with full glass. Hope I haven't stepped on any toes.

why would you present them that way? that is not with "full glass", that is with full spandrel panels. how the heck are the people going to be able to see out? the original cut and paste job was accurate... though of course on the actual building they wont be simply repeated like that but with be arranged somewhat randomly to achieve a patternation like we see in the render.
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