Toronto KING Toronto | 57.6m | 16s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

Could fill half the forum threads with this shot from the CN Tower - taken Oct 19

really liking how the glass blocks are coming together, but they really need the corner finishing pieces like in the mockup. Assuming that has to be all post applied which is going to be a long process
Just in this series above, you see the power of @AHK.

When he arrives on scene...........not much happening, no materials required for the day's work.........and its dark out.

By the end of his site visit............ its busy, there's stuff to do and the stuff to do it with, and the light has arrived.


For a different spin on the above observation:

AHK said, Let there be cladding, and there was cladding
AHK saw the cladding, and it was good.

And AHK said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And AHK saw the light, and it was good.

Finally, AHK said "Get to work", and work begun.
And crews put down their coffee and picked up their tools, and AHK departed, his work was done.
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October 31. Installation of the glazing sections seemed to be moving slowly on Monday and Tuesday, but then picked up the pace quite a bit on Wednesday with a number of sections installed. The installs moved north into the courtyard, and then west along the courtyard's south wall, continuing out of photo range.

The first photo is of a ground level window wall section being installed - a very heavy piece that the crew was really having to work at getting it into position. I know there have been earlier comments about the use of curtain wall versus window wall for this cladding at King Toronto, but having just seen the amount of effort to get a window wall section into position, compared to having the spyder crane just lift, drop and hold a section while it is being fastened, to a lay person, it would appear that in this case, curtain wall would be much easier to install.

The final photo is of recently arrived sections in the staging area at the back of the building. Judging from their size, they may be for installation on the second level - would be great to see that underway. Ground level installation has taken long enough.

Courtyard sections being installed







Staging area at the back of the building:

October 31 - Afternoon Update. On the King Street side, at the west entrance to the courtyard, footings for the cladding were being installed today - two photos. Also, following up on the earlier comment about the large glazing sections in the staging area at the back of the site - some additional pictures showing some of the larger sections, along with some focusing on the larger slab-to-slab heights on the lower floors, before reaching the typical residential area floors (Fourth floor in the back, higher along King Street).







November 1: Glazing on King Street facade!!!



The past couple of days has seen a lot of work being done on setting up the footings for glazing along the King Street frontage. Also a large number of glazing / cladding sections have been staged on the ground level fronting on King Street, ready for installation. Hopefully we shall see some major changes in the ground level appearance or King Toronto next week.




Formwork for the cladding / glazing footings at the east entrance to the courtyard - work done today. Small bonus - trailer being loaded with formwork components removed from the East Mountain now that it has been topped off and the formwork there has been completed.



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Monday morning, 8 AM. The glazing team is on site and starting on the King Street facade at the west end of the building. The cladding / glazing sections to be installed are staged on the ground - they are long. The spyder crane has been activated, and can be seen poking out above the Sidewalk Closed Ahead sign.


Meanwhile, the forming contractor is removing some of the remaining forming support components from the site. An empty trailer was brought to the site this morning and dropped off on King Street, A previously loaded trailer was then brought out of the site and parked on King Street, the cab then hooked up the empty trailer that it had brought in this morning, and moved into the site's staging area to drop it off for another load before taking the loaded trailer away.



