Developer: Westbank Corp, Allied Properties REIT
Architect: Bjarke Ingels Group, Diamond Schmitt Architects
Address: 489 King St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail), Public Space / Park
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 2
Height: 189 ft / 57.60 mStoreys: 16 storeys
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Toronto KING Toronto | 57.6m | 16s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

Why are the stats in meters and storeys not pronounced on the top of this page when it is pronounced in the data base page? Do they have plans to increase or decrease this building?
A survey is legally required by the OAA for an architect to 'work' on a project so it could be anything really. A 'current' survey is also required for all municipal submissions.

Agreed - observation of the surveyors was mentioned as it was initial evidence of pending change to the existing status quo for the site. There would have been prior surveys, including those that would have been part of the documentation package that accompanied the sale of the site to Allied. However this was the first visible evidence of money being spent post-acquisition, and an indicator that other planning or development activities may be taking place in the background.
Why are the stats in meters and storeys not pronounced on the top of this page when it is pronounced in the data base page? Do they have plans to increase or decrease this building?
As I mentioned in this post, the dataBase file still only has the information for the previous proposal for part of this site. The new plans have been mentioned in this thread and in a few front page articles already, with the fullest explanation here.

That's much bigger than I was expecting. If Planning chops some of the height off I don't think it will compromise the design too much though. the similarities of this to the 88 Queen East stuff that was recently put forward: large site, multiple buildings, public spaces in between. How many of the "These look great. I don't care who designed them. They are interesting" crowd in there still defend that garbage in light of things like this?
I hope they don't - this is the sort of rule-breaking the city needs and should be rewarded for.


Unless the boundaries have changed, this site would fall within the proposed King-Spadina Heritage Conservation District., so the height could pose a problem if anything stringent is passed.
Unless the boundaries have changed, this site would fall within the proposed King-Spadina Heritage Conservation District., so the height could pose a problem if anything stringent is passed.

The irony of it coming into effect after all the junk that had gone up within the HCD.

