Developer: Westbank Corp, Allied Properties REIT
Architect: Bjarke Ingels Group, Diamond Schmitt Architects
Address: 489 King St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail), Public Space / Park
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 2
Height: 189 ft / 57.60 mStoreys: 16 storeys
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Toronto KING Toronto | 57.6m | 16s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

It's about time. For the past several years I've been doing regular Google searches for Toronto and Bjarke Ingels, hoping to find this type of information, and at last something is going to happen. Does anyone know if his Shops at Don Mills project is dead, or was it simply put on hold for a later release. I would love to see what he would come up with for the latter. As I recall, a few years ago there were plans for 2 BIG projects in Toronto; one downtown and the other being the one I mentioned above. I guess this is one of those prospects. Here's hoping the other one is still alive.
This will be located just north of The Well; it should compliment it nicely. I wonder how tall they'll be able to go in this location. This is a predominantly low-mid rise area. Now all we need is something designed by Zaha Hadid. I'm guessing that the tower will go where the parking lot is behind the Starbucks at Brant Pl?
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Wow, awesome news. This is right across the street from my office, so I'm looking forward to seeing it go up.

Some thoughts/questions:

I guess this means the Sweeny project at 489-499 King St W is officially off the table, though that was a pretty easy call once Allied picked up the properties to the west.

What does this mean for the warehouse at 489 King St W? It is not part of the heritage component. I hope it is incorporated into the redevelopment.

511 King St W is a very deep lot, and appears to separate the east and west portions of the site. I hope they are to connect the two sides, otherwise this is really two separate projects.
I'm surprised how dead this thread is given the hiring of BIG. Any idea when we'll see renderings?
Our front page story with a few more details is here.

Definitely exciting. Amazing team. BIG, allied, westbank, seems like it couldn't disappoint. I look forward to hearing more. Hopefully they keep this moving forward at a good pace.
Definitely big and exciting news.

But I'd like to know more about this as well.

What does this mean for the warehouse at 489 King St W? It is not part of the heritage component. I hope it is incorporated into the redevelopment.
A survey team has been preparing an updated detailed survey of the 489 - 539 King Street West site for at least the past couple of days.

Mods - the Allied press release indicated Bjarke Ingels Group having been retained for the expanded site - any reason this has not been updated in the thread title - still shows Sweeny & Co?
We have been slower to change thread titles recently since a software change coupled them with dataBase file info. It helps in some ways, but we have been finding many exceptions where it would make more sense not to couple the names. Changes to the dBase file have been on hold pending new renderings, etc.,—as soon as there is something to show—as we have not wanted to eliminate the old images until we have replacements. I'll make a patch to the thread title now however, and hope will hold until a future big announcement.

Any idea when we'll see renderings? It's been months since the news that BIG was recruited for this site.
I'm not certain what the significance is of the survey team being onsite at the moment, but I assume that all the typical numbers associated with these properties have been on the books for years, so possibly by coming now they are taking measurements to confirm how a concept plan may fit in with its neighbours.

If that's not a bad guess, then I would think we'll know their intentions in the next couple of months.

Surveyors could have been doing a variety of things, topographical survey, updating the legal survey, etc. My bet is on a Topographical survey to confirm building dimensions and how the new proposed building would fit in with the surroundings.
A survey is legally required by the OAA for an architect to 'work' on a project so it could be anything really. A 'current' survey is also required for all municipal submissions.
