I think the podium levels at the very least will end up looking good - so the pedestrian realm shouldn't be too negative. Worried about the towers though, for sure.
would've been nice to have some more public space in an area already so busy. I'm also not sure why they chose make that courtyard so private instead of opening it up to the street a little bit more (kind of like the proposed BIG's approach further west on King)
This project is coming along and is going to look great! Another project I stumbled across on Skyscraperpage that has nothing to do with this one, is the 46 Charlotte project in entertainment district. It's a simple but quite affective looking building that I guess is supposed to start soon. I haven't seen a post on it and I wonder if anyone has started one!
...except for the 80,000+ people taking improved surface transit on it every day, next to the hordes of pedestrians and still a whole bunch of motorists.
Not to worry: The street will become very animated as spring/summer approach--esp. at nights and on weekends.
There'll be lots of outdoor patios spilling out into the extra sidewalk space, and lots of drunk millennials spilling onto those same sidewalks whatever they crammed down their pie-holes earlier that night.