it took me all afternoon to realize you are all looking for work in development! all the best, signing off. DB
sadly my property value has not gone up since the condos went up Murano/Burano...you are paying lipserve to democracy, you can nicely say "you are welcome to your opnion' but that is not the tenor on these boards. far from it.
You belong on UT--much of the real urban toronto built form is made up of attractive Victorian lowrises. So while the Muranos and tall condos do add more people, the realty is that you're right--the real cool urban 'hoods in Toronto are lowrise. Think WQW, Blansdowne, Bloor West Village, the Danforth, etc. (Do y'all say to yourselves on a nice Saturday afternoon: "Let's go hang out on Bay St for brunch, galleries and cool street scenes."?)
Developers--step up your game please, and hire http://www.paullaurendeau.com/ to design urban 6-8s condo projects in Toronto, not just Mtl--density isn't just found in highrises.
Sadly, there's way more money to be made from high rises.
Developers--step up your game please, and hire http://www.paullaurendeau.com/ to design urban 6-8s condo projects in Toronto, not just Mtl--density isn't just found in highrises.