Developer: Lifetime Developments, CentreCourt
Address: 21 Grenville St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2016
Height: 544 ft / 165.80 mStoreys: 50 storeys
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Toronto Karma Condos | 165.8m | 50s | Lifetime | a—A


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Sep 3, 2008
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Yonge & Bloor
Don't think there's an existing thread for this. They just keep on coming.

Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started

Location: 9 GRENVILLE ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 10 201658 ZPR 00 ZR Accepted Date: Jun 21, 2010

Project: Multiple-Use Building New Building

Description: PUBLIC - PRELIMINARY PROJECT REVIEW, Due Date is 20-JUL-10, >>Proposal to relocate existing heritage house and construct new mixed use building containing office, retail and residential units - 46 stories above grade - 5 levels below grade parking - Parking space - 143 residential parking spaces - 356 residential dwelling units - floors 1-3 office / retail use.,-79.384424&spn=0,0.001363&t=h&z=20&layer=c&cbll=43.661945,-79.384282&panoid=FumhAcO-mDWuHV_r0XIOQQ&cbp=12,204.63,,0,0.13
I can see 46 stories here. I wonder where they are planning to move the house? Perhaps to the laneway side of the lot?
That was one of my "gonna be a condo tower within 10 years" sites I pointed to in the Aura thread about a month ago, saying that about 30 sites in the area could go highrise. I also believe the large but lowrise RBC immediately in front of this proposal (on Yonge&Grenville) could go highrise, as could the Mcd's strip.
The renderings for this one look really interesting!!! I don't have a copy of them but I met with the architect recently
aA again? Let's see how many projects of their projects there are within a what, 20 mins walking distance:

Murano (2 towers)
22 Wellesley
U (2 towers)
18 Yorkville
Four Seaons (2 towers)

Not to mention Dundas/Sackville (TCHC), Spire and Indigo just slightly further afield...

Don't think there's an existing thread for this. They just keep on coming.

Description: PUBLIC - PRELIMINARY PROJECT REVIEW, Due Date is 20-JUL-10, >>Proposal to relocate existing heritage house and construct new mixed use building containing office, retail and residential units - 46 stories above grade - 5 levels below grade parking - Parking space - 143 residential parking spaces - 356 residential dwelling units - floors 1-3 office / retail use.

i don't know why they would even bother moving the house ... it seems perfectly usuable and in good shape.

why not integrate it into the design ... it's been done before and judging by the reaction of many here and the Yonge Street BIA to 5 St. Nicholas, it will be very welcomed.
Is it safe to say that the recession is over? (At least for Toronto construction projects.) The pace of major new project announcements (such as this one) seems back up to 2007-2008 levels.
