Toronto Garrison Crossing (was Fort York Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge) | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto | Pedelta

Shiner basically said: "What's the big deal about the War of 1812?" He doesn't seem to understand that delaying the bridge will cost more in the long run.

Layton and Perks are knocking it out of the park though. It's going to be close.
Wong-Tam is nailing down the point I hope somebody would: "Councillors, if you cancel a project significantly important to Mike Layton's ward, then that opens the gates to killing projects in your ward that are important to you" BAM!
So I think we need 30/44 people to vote in favour of seizing the matter from the Works Committee, and so far these councilors won't support it:

Shiner, Minnan-Wong, Del Grande, Mammoliti, and most likely the Fords, Nunziata, and Grimes.
This is what the city is going to look after Rob Ford. I hope this doesn't last more than 4 years.

The progressives on council led by Layton will now have nothing holding them back from cancelling projects in Shiner's ward. Council was aware of the importance of this bridge to the ward and that a No vote would mean that it is dead.
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So what other downtown projects are on the chopping block? The Fort York Visitor Centre itself? The North St. Lawrence Market? The waterfront boardwalks?
The entire Waterfront is at risk -- the reason the bridge was killed is because the Fords got word that it might impede their ability to sell land to developers. Ford is committed to eliminating the land transfer tax and holding the line on property tax increases -- the only way this is remotely possible is if the city rapidly sells assets to pay down capital debt.
