Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

Though it does have that minty appearance so heavily commented on, I'm sure a lot of that is in contrast to the greying marble that's on the building now..
I'm almost positive that the tint won't be so prominent once the entire thing is done..
I agree, as more of the new glass is exposed it is starting to look less minty. I remember when I first posted photos of the new glass test panels months ago I was thinking "man the UT guys are going to freak when they see this". Haha, maybe it will turn out ok after all.
South & West side

They're moving FAST. I'm inside the building, and the movement causes earthquake rumbles every few hours.
The construction elevators are coming down as the facade gets finished. They no longer go to the top of the building. As I said a while back... From most views in the city this will look complete months before it actually is, because you can only see top two thirds of FCP anyway.
This new cladding looks like it will be devilishly slippery when climbing. Robin and I will have to apply some Bat Goo to our boots.

Wow, I didn't know the white glass has that trianglular fritted pattern. I thought it was a solid piece of milk- or back-painted glass.
It will be interesting to see this glass on the lower levels where the pattern is noticable (though that could be a while).

Any word of the old marble being available to the public?
