Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

Yah! I wonder if the building will be substantially lighter when the new cladding is on? If so, does this create engineering challenges? Will the building decompress a bit?

i thought the same thing too. i wonder how it affects sway?
Was out for a walk at lunch and upon returning to FCP I noticed that workers have installed three cladding pieces on the podium facing Wellington. What you can't see in the iPhone picture is that each panel is different. The difference being that the triangles are different sizes, the right being large and easily visible across the street, the far left being smaller but visible upon closer look and the middle panel has very small almost indistinguishable triangles.
I wonder if they are still deciding on which one to use?? Or maybe just for the podium?
All three seemed to be quite bright white, reflective and shiny... a good sign for sure.
Here's a close up of the test panels:


I like the panel with the larger triangles because I think it will be more obvious from a reasonable distance. Otherwise, why even have the detail?
I like the panel with the larger triangles because I think it will be more obvious from a reasonable distance. Otherwise, why even have the detail?

I'm wondering if they may be putting the "smaller triangle" panels on higher up the tower.....if so, perhaps it would make the tower seem even taller visually when one looks up at it and the triangles are much smaller...thoughts?
I wouldn't imagine you would make out triangles if you were looking at the top all the way from the bottom, but I would imagine you'd notice some visual texture at least somewhere on the building if you were near.
Even the largest of the test triangles would be almost indistinguishable from even a moderate distance. The difference they would have would be how they play with sunlight. An analogy would be various grades of brushed stainless steel. You can't see the individual scratches in the steel but it reflects light very differently than polished steel.
