Toronto Fabrik Condos | 56.99m | 17s | Menkes | Giannone Petricone

Hope no one bought a low south east corner suite. If so you can expect this on a regular basis. what a bagel and the chickery are amongst the worst for throwing their stuff everywhere

If you're going to build a black building, it better be sharp. This...from what I see is far from that.
It's hard to convey just how oppressive and heavy this building feels when you're up close. The dreary cladding manages the suck the life right out of this little stretch of Richmond. Perhaps the pink elements will save the day, but I'm not convinced. So far, this is my least favourite recent development in the city.
Normally the building will look much different when it is occupied, as the white window coverings will drastically change the look of the windows and lessen the amount of darkness of the building. However here the window glass looks deeply tinted (note the white window labels behind the glass), so the building will remain very dark and oppressive unfortunately, kind of like Loft399 just down the street but to a lesser extent.

I also noticed that the strips of windows on the side of the building are now aligned in vertical rows rather than in a random pattern which makes the façade less playful and interesting.
