Senior Member
Really? From your very poorly written post, you've shown yourself to be very narrow minded.
I was waiting for just one suggestion! Nope, just negativity after negativity!! I would love to see what your ideas are, but I really don't think you have any.
Well,.... various homeowners associations, the city and local councillors think I come up with some great ideas!
vz64 proposal of adding wider sidewalks on SheppardWest between Beecroft & Senlac isn't practical,... space doesn't grow on trees,... the wider sidewalks will either come at the cost of narrower road which vz64 is proposing to narrow down to 1 lane each direction,... which doesn't make sense, especially since Sheppard&Yonge area suffers from gridlock traffic.
If you want wider sidewalks,... you need to widen the entire street! How do you widen a street when you go against private property lines??? Basically, whenever a property comes up for rebuilding, the city would only grant that permission when the property owner agrees to hand over to the city,... the first 10 feet from the front property line adjacent to city property. This is exactly what's being done now on SheppardEast basically between Yonge and Leslie right now!,... where most of Sheppard East only has 2 lanes going each way,... the city would like 3 lanes of traffic going each way. Yes, it'll take many years for the city to accumulate all the extra space to put in another lane going each way along ShepppardEast,... but it will happen. Walk along SheppardEast,... look at the new developments along this stretch of SheppardEast, the new city sidewalks which generally marks the property line are further from the curb,... see how wide the boulevard are,... there's room there for another lane of traffic (in the future) and wider sidewalks!
NOTE: This stretch of SheppardEast between Yonge & Leslie that's being widened already has a subway underneath it!!! So it shows, vz64's idea of narrowing SheppardWest when a subway goes underneath it won't be practical at all,.... ever! This part of SheppardEast already has a subway underneath it and it still has still has terrible gridlock traffic at peak times because it's too narrow!!! That's why the city will now widen it from 2 lanes to 3 lanes in each direction of traffic!
RT2020,... here's an idea in that post you commented on,... so obviously, you didn't read it very well,....
vz64,.... some of your ideas are good,... but some are just terrible. You really have to ask yourself, would the majority of people benefit from this or not? And even with your good ideas,... they need to be do-able,.. work-able,.... you see, the city is basically broke,... the city focuses way too much on costly non-city issues,... if you want wider sidewalks and sidewalks placed on streets without sidewalks,.... you need to figure out who should pay for it and how,... who would benefit,... the economics has to be there.
In my personal experience,... when I present an work-able idea or concept at work or to the city or councillors,... if I can present it where the economics make sense,... where it actually saves money and produces much better results VS another project, where it cost less than an alternative, where its a win-win situation for all or most involved,... not only will they listen,... but then you're golden.
Look at SheppardWest between Beecroft and Senlac,... new 4-5 storey low rise buildings that are being constructed are constrained by parking,.... the city requires them to have x number of parking spaces because there are no on street parking nearby,... if there were on-street parking they wouldn't need as many onsite parking spaces and could actually build a bit bigger,... But lets say if the city were to place parking meters on some of the nearby side streets, would the residents be ok with that as long as some of the money generated from those parking meter goes towards building new sidewalks for them or better streetscape? See, that could be a win-win situation for the property owner on SheppardWest, the residents on the sidestreets and the city.
Now expanding on this idea of mine,.... if the city were to place 100 metered parking spots along Bogart & Harlandale and some of the other smaller side streets near SheppardWest between Beecroft and Senlac,... and charge their standard $2.50 per hour (similar to $3/hr Yonge Street in this area),... and only allow parking from 10am to 4pm (minimize impact on neighbourhood since most would be at work during this time anyways) with a 3 hour limit (this discourage all-day parking for those who park here and then take subway downtown),... assuming each parking spot was utilized about 80% of the time,... this would generate about $1,200 per day,.... assuming 5 days (monday to friday) that would be $6,000 per week,.... $312,000 per year,... each and every year. This money is held in trust for this community. Minus one time cost of installing meters, sign, parking lines, etc,... and ongoing collection fees,.... that'll still leave a huge chunk of money to pay for sidewalks on streets that don't have them,... better streetscape,... maybe even local bike paths, trails maintenance for nearby ravine, computers and school supplies for neighbourhood schools.
With this idea,....
- property owners along SheppardWest would have less restrictions when rebuilding and can rebuild slightly larger with less onsite parking requirements since there are nearby onstreet parking,... lots of offices along SheppardWest, so there's lots of clients coming and going throughout the day to fill these parking meter spots,....
- households on streets with these new parking meters would get better new sidewalks and streetscape,...
- city get revenue from parking enforcement
- city have more funds for infrastructure improvement in this neighbourhood - ie bike paths, trail maintenance, school supplies, etc,...
- Homeowners associations now have a revenue source to help fund local projects for the community
See,.. this is a work-able and do-able idea,... vz64 & RT2020,... lets see you come up with an idea that is work-able and do-able that makes economic sense and would benefit most of those involved,....