99% of preliminary reports lay out a raft of issues that the City will be studying between writing the preliminary and the final reports. No doubt, however, owing to the bold plan here, there's more to consider than with typical buildings. Planning here tends to push for one typology these days—the point tower rising from the podium—again and again, and what we have here is two of those, it's just that they're joined by a bridge. Here's hoping that the bridge is not a step too far for the powers that be, and that the basic concept of the development survives, (and in fact, while I'm not certain of all of the technical details and impacts of the proposal, I'd be happy to see the exterior expression survive the planning process as is).
Like I've said though, most of what has been listed above is written up as a concern on the bulk of the larger applications that come forward. Some of the points noted above, meanwhile, are already taken care of—for example, not related to the architecture of the proposal in any way was the impact on the Yonge Street Mission; that organization has already announced their move to Spadina Avenue—while in regards to Section 37 benefits, those are always negotiated after everything else has been worked out.