Developer: Concord Adex
Architect: Arcadis
Address: 23 Spadina Avenue, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 761 ft / 231.97 mStoreys: 74 storeys
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Toronto Concord Canada House | 231.97m | 74s | Concord Adex | Arcadis

how did the prudential center end up in dubai?
my god, they're taking everything.
Somebody tell the helicopter renderpilot to turn or pull up.
How old is the CN Tower? Looks older then my granpa' :D see the wrinkles in the tower?

Toronto is falling's a SHAME esp. seeing all this inovative design in China right now...just hope the new owners of concord adex will get more risky and frisky with the last big is at the bottom of China Town...the ideas are endless...there is still time and hope for something truly amazing be build at the waterfront and put Toronto back on the map.
Some of the architecture is nice, but China's the one falling behind in the delicate art of city building. Most of China's master-planned megaprojects are urbanistic distasters.
We did lose the Olypics to China....maybe one day Toronto will get it. But Toronto does not have the will and "planning" to get it...China painted the grass green to get that's planning.

Green regards,
We did lose the Olypics to China....maybe one day Toronto will get it. But Toronto does not have the will and "planning" to get it...China painted the grass green to get that's planning.

Green regards,

Wait a minute here; you're the one going on about the evils of glass buildings, and environmental standards, yet you're praising China? Something does not compute.
It's def. wronge what they did, painting the grass green but it worked, and dam there in 1st place in medals...hmmm...more planning...what Canada at right now?...was just trying to express that bashing China for lack of planning is not true they plan very well, dam they will even paint the grass green :D. Have you seen the master plans models in Asia Cities? They make the one in Toronto City Hall look like a pin prick.

There are even some architects in Toronto that are involved in providing services can't be that bad :D.

The funny thing is....the hole reason for ASHRAE 90.1 is...for planning for the else can you plan for the future without know/regulating the energy to land?

Grassy Regards,
