Developer: Concord Adex
Architect: Arcadis
Address: 23 Spadina Avenue, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 761 ft / 231.97 mStoreys: 74 storeys
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Toronto Concord Canada House | 231.97m | 74s | Concord Adex | Arcadis

There won't be the same interest in a shorter building - you can get that anywhere - with better location too.
If they go back to the early proposed phallic-shaped designs, it might attract buyers on the basis of novelty.
I hate to sound like an echo, but a Calatrava Turning Torso-esque tower for the Signature of the Concord development would really be a crowning jewel to the whole development.

I have friends who have moved into Cityplace over the past year and it is definitely much more than what I expected. When I started coming to Toronto I subscribed to the ideology that all the towers looked the same and that the development was boring. But after further inspection the development is really something special.

I do feel however that the towers are somewhat simmilar, altho the subtle details do help to differentiate them. A completely original design, like Turning Torso, that still reflects the rest of the development would really make Cityplace something special.

It would also give me something spectacular to watch UC from my friend's balcony ;)
I certainly hope it doesn't look like that (it won't), however a reflective jet black tower could look really good there. It would contrast highly with all the lighter blues/greens/silvers in that area.
