Toronto Concord Canada House | 231.97m | 74s | Concord Adex | Arcadis

KPF have nothing to do with Concord Sky and haven't for some time now.
Deja vu... all over again.

Still up on KPF's website (and still listed as design architects here in the database) like the last time I made this mistake... someone should send a memo.


There's a long history with KPF and Concord. When Parade was going up, KPF weren't happy with the way Concord was cheaping out on everything and asked that their name be removed from the project entirely. When Cresford bit the dust a few years back, and this was getting bought up by Concord, I can imagine KPF had little interest in working with them again.
Was the maple leaf motif VE'd or was it just terribly executed?

I don't think you'll be able to see it all that great until the cladding is finished. It's a little bit, but terribly executed.

I also think they're more meant to be seen at night.
There's a long history with KPF and Concord. When Parade was going up, KPF weren't happy with the way Concord was cheaping out on everything and asked that their name be removed from the project entirely. When Cresford bit the dust a few years back, and this was getting bought up by Concord, I can imagine KPF had little interest in working with them again.

Are there any old renders of what Parade looked like before Concord’s VE?
