Toronto CityPlace Puente de Luz Bridge | ?m | ?s | Concord Adex | Francisco Gazitua

So the "iron horse" head concept seems to have become more like a snake (ie. perhaps symbolic on how ConCord got away with this!). The yellow will likely look great day one, but in a few years, it will become a bit stained as certainly the City grime and lack of maintenance painting will become an issue.

In my opinion, if this is it and nothing else, ConCord did not deliver what they promised in the last public meeting that the bridge would be significantly "artsied" up and special lighting would come into play. Let's hope the yellow is to deliver more impact at night with some lighting. Let's hope there is more than this.

Thanks for posting Ed!

Though it could be better, the current version doesn't look dull in terms of design, even if the color is taken out of the equation. At first I wondered why yellow was chosen, but against CityPlace's grey backdrop, a bright colour makes sense. The hue of yellow could use some tweaking perhaps to be slightly brighter. It definitely should have some quality architectural lighting.
The bridge looks awfully forbidding, as if it were the entrance to the Gulag or Gitmo. I know Cityplace has its critics, but it isnt't that bad!
The bridge looks good with some pieces of arts, I like circle weave rings but it seem too denger if they left open without clading glasses because someone who is doing fault play can fall from the bridge landed over train trucks with speedy rush hour trains
Here are the first shots of the bridge loops.


You can see it at the far right hand side of the picture. Together with the orange triangle thing it will add some fun and playfullness to CityPlace I think. I like the colour - it's a light lemon yellow. It doesn't look as severe in person. Will bring a lot of colour to the area. I don't think there's any large yellow structure in all of downtown.

nice, it is going fast. but i'm afraid when the paint chips and the bridge rusts over time, it'll look pretty bad. could they use a different finish to it?
I'm afraid when the paint chips and the bridge rusts over time, it'll look pretty bad.

...and then they'll repaint it. I mean seriously you could make the same agrument about the white humber bridge or any painted bridge for that matter. Of course you've got to stay on top of maintanence. That goes without saying for any structure.
The Humber Bay Arch Bridge does not have hundreds of diesel trains pass underneath it everyday. Given the amount of trains that will pass under the CityPlace Bridge, they might have to repaint more frequently perhaps.
I took some pics of them doing a concrete pour on the main bridge support last night. Looks like its pretty much done. They have about 6 or 7 rebar tubes along the Front street wall for the ramp. This is coming along fast and furious now! Will post pics tonight
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This is coming along fast and furious now!

Someone on here said they thought it would be 6 weeks before it's finished. Do you think faster than that?

Do you think they'll have a little opening ceremony like they did when they opened Canoe Landing (and then closed it and re-opened it 8 months later ;) )
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I like how it's colourful. That row of cityplace buildings looks really dark and monotonous in person. My girlfriend calls them "ugly lego buildings". The colour will cheer the area up a little.
I recall reading somewhere that the agreement with GO is that window of time for the structure to go up is something like 24 or 48 hrs - very short whatever it is. The finishing and railing detailing could take much longer though....
...and then they'll repaint it. I mean seriously you could make the same agrument about the white humber bridge or any painted bridge for that matter. Of course you've got to stay on top of maintanence. That goes without saying for any structure.

Very true. People always seem to forget or overlook other structures that regarding routine maintenance for upkeep.
