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  • Thread starter Suicidal Gingerbread Man
  • Start date
It's the internet. Get over it.

Free from manners and laws, eh? You have obviously never spent countless hours producing any artistic or creative works; like music, photography, or a novel. If you had, you would take copyright laws seriously. It sucks when your work has been copied without permission.
Free from manners and laws, eh? You have obviously never spent countless hours producing any artistic or creative works; like music, photography, or a novel. If you had, you would take copyright laws seriously. It sucks when your work has been copied without permission.

I'll delete the posts when I get home. Feel free to contact me if there are any legal issues we need to take care of

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Don't be dramatic - clearly TheTigherMaster didn't understand the rules governing crediting photographers of images. SomeMidTowner's post was entirely warranted, after which the images were credited, and an apology issued. No need to rag on TTM, clearly there was no ill-intent. Not everyone is as familiar with internet 'manners and laws' - a friendly reminder is fair, but don't go discouraging someone from posting.

You clearly didn't understand my point. I understand that TTM apologized and seems like a cool guy. There will be no jail time or discouraging of productive posts or drama trust me. I was in way ragging on him personally.

My concern is that 3Dementia wasn't pleased with what happened whereas ProjectEnd dismissed him. I was discouraging ProjectEnd for posting that crap. Someone needed to pipe up and defend copyright laws because to some creative people, like myself, they are important. But we are adults, no profits were made, and it can be all worked out.
Yeah I didn't mean to harm around the image credits before I posted, but somewhere along the way I forgot to put them in the post. And I thought the use of the images would have been covered by fair dealing (obviously I am not a lawyer)

I still feel like a total idiot. Again I apologize to the owners for any damage that I may have caused them.

But we are adults, no profits were made, and it can be all worked out.

I and a few others here aren't of age yet.
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Free from manners and laws, eh? You have obviously never spent countless hours producing any artistic or creative works; like music, photography, or a novel. If you had, you would take copyright laws seriously. It sucks when your work has been copied without permission.

This already seems to have worked itself out so this post may not be warranted but how do you know what I do? Were TheTigerMaster to post and claim the work as his own, I'd see your point. My point however, is that putting something on the internet opens it up to world to do with it what they like. That kind of open sourcing is exactly what makes the internet such an incredible and unstoppable force. To complain that someone has modified your image after you posted it is a bit silly - if you're so concerned about others altering your work, don't put it online.
I agree with ProjectEnd, And I have spent many, many hours toiling away on my pet 3D model project. It would absolutely piss me off if someone claimed it was theirs, but TigerMaster didn't do that. He created something extra on top of it, with it, and without ruining the original intent of the work. It was not done for profit, and for that I feel it is completely fine for him to do it. Everyone is free to have their own opinion of course. Besides, you will soon learn that copyright laws online are about as affective as speeding laws.
There is now :) And it's 99.9% copyright free--copy it Toronto please x1000!
I presume you're posting that here because you're open criticism, so I'm going to go ahead and say that looks awful.
It certainly looks a lot different than the images I have seen for the actual project. I'm not quite sure that this is Design Competition ready lol. But I love the name "Grey Tower," so some points for that!
