Toronto CHAZ | 150.87m | 47s | 45 Charles Ltd | P + S / IBI

baak at it today!

mikedb: You now have the official Good UrbanTorontokeeping Seal of Approval. Thanks! (Looking forward to more!)

mikedb: You now have the official Good UrbanTorontokeeping Seal of Approval. Thanks! (Looking forward to more!)


Thanks! Glad to know the pictures are appreciated.

FYI, the work should be finished today. Yesterday's lift was cancelled due to the high wind.


Thanks for the pictures!

I'm guessing you live at Casa? How's the noise from construction?

I do live at Casa. Thankfully, the windows keep most of the noise out, although during the demolition things were pretty unpleasant- at times my whole apartment would shake. More recently things have been better, although it helps that I am an engineer and find all of this fascinating!




I do live at Casa. Thankfully, the windows keep most of the noise out, although during the demolition things were pretty unpleasant- at times my whole apartment would shake. More recently things have been better, although it helps that I am an engineer and find all of this fascinating!

Structural by any chance?
Yes. Demolition vibrations are like tremors, mini-earthquakes, and every new building is built to handle them (and worse). When buildings are too rigid they crack with the vibrations; I'd rather feel the shake as the building dissipates them.

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Oh, of course. Thanks!

Was I the only one that heard a rumour re: that apartment building coming down? (I heard an apt building on Charles may be redeveloped. Which one is it?) Casa residents, perhaps you heard something?

Are you referring to the building directly to the east? If so I hope that that is a baseless rumor. Not only is that an outstanding building - from an architectural standpoint - we shouldn't allow developers to buy up what affordable RENTAL apartments are left in the core and tear them down to build overpriced condo's to satisfy the appetite of offshore investors.

The only property left on Charles that I could see being developed into Condo's is the post office. Everything else the developers need to keep their hands off!
There is a city bylaw that requires all rental units to be replaced. If a rental building with 50 units is torn down, 50 rental units must be in the new building.
