Toronto Casa II Condos | 184.09m | 56s | Cresford | a—A

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So people don't spend all that much time on their balconies… but they are there when they want to use them, and even having the option to go outside when it's not that great out can be a freeing feeling.

Agreed. One of my favourite things to do is to hang out on my recessed balcony during a storm and just enjoy the show without getting soaked.
@ssiguy2, are you saying that besides seeing black pics occasionally, you are not able to upload photos? Or are you saying that others are uploading blanks?

I know this will change with TeaHouse coming in etc., but that shot looks oddly sparse to me. There are still some places on Yonge where, at least from certain angles, things can look pretty open.
The mechanical penthouse on this thing is quite sizeable! I wonder if there are some damper tanks up there.
