Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

Casaguy's gettin' giddy!

Go faster! Faster! Faster!


Casaguy, you are so endearingly young - faster faster is a bit vague - I think what you really mean is harder faster, harder faster!!!!!
I KNEW someone would take it to that level.

Anything to get you to that top northwest corner so that we can all enjoy the view!

I promise that from now on I will scream harder faster to all those hard working builders as I go by each morning and we'll see the where the rebars end up.
Casa Condominium Progress, Sept. 19, 2007

I promise that from now on I will scream harder faster to all those hard working builders as I go by each morning and we'll see the where the rebars end up.

It must be working! Thanks, Jaborandi! They're boogeying right along...








Would it be wrong to show up with a cake and goodies from time to time for the crew?
It must be working! Thanks, Jaborandi! They're boogeying right along...

Would it be wrong to show up with a cake and goodies from time to time for the crew?

I don't think it would be wrong if are you planning to jump out of the cake wearing only a hard hat & tool belt. A bit suicidal maybe but no, not wrong.
So how about getting their significant others together someplace while the crew are hard at work on the construction site, and jumping out of the cake naked for THEM?

These guys would approve of that, right?

CASA Condominium Progress Sept 22, 2007

This portion of Charles Street East is closed.

Not sure if this will be used to lower Casa's tower crane parts in to place or if this has something to do with BSN.


If this is where the tower crane will rise, would it make sense that the crane will hug the exterior of the building's east side? There will not be a stairwell there so it seems to make sense to me. No workers were there today, otherwise I would have asked.





Quite the precarious perch...



Just for fun... It won't look like this for much longer...

You can see the BSN white crane in the center of the pic below. Casa will rise just to the left of that, blocking out the south side of the Bay tower from this angle.


A wider view below...


...which reminds me, that apartment building in the foreground is also a bit of an eyesore. It is not aging well at all.

And I think Toronto has met its quota on the colour brown. No more please.
I wonder why this project has 3 levels of parking but the X Condo has 6. Both condos are 44 stories and have roughly the same number and mix of units. I don't think the site dimensions vary that much either. I also think the prices are similar. It's rather a dramatic difference, and they are also within 5 minutes walking distance on the same street. Ok, the TTC Bloor/Yonge station is closer to Casa, but surely it would not have such a dramatic impact as this. Any theories?
I wonder why this project has 3 levels of parking but the X Condo has 6. Both condos are 44 stories and have roughly the same number and mix of units. I don't think the site dimensions vary that much either. I also think the prices are similar. It's rather a dramatic difference, and they are also within 5 minutes walking distance on the same street. Ok, the TTC Bloor/Yonge station is closer to Casa, but surely it would not have such a dramatic impact as this. Any theories?

I believe it was established a while back that there are at least 4 levels of underground parking at Casa if that is of any help.
