Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

I was by there yesterday and I'm very sure that the balcony glass are indeed separate panels
Undersides of Balconies

I think it's a bit too early to assume Cresford won't paint the undersides of the balconies. (We've had this discussion before, haven't we?)

I seem to recall being assured on numerous occassions that they would be painted. Why would they test a section if they didn't intend on doing it? Charles Street will soon be a showcase for their product. They'd be fools not to have both buildings looking their best. I'm sure they're just waiting for the weather to warm up. There's no real reason why the painting has to begin before the spring.

I live in another Cresford project. I wouldn't count on them doing what's makes sense. They're incompetent and avaricious. My building was registered over two years ago and the landscaping and exterior of the building aren't even finished. Not to mention the staggering number of in-unit and common-area deficiencies. Their appalling record of customer service didn't stop me or any of you from buying from them. But you'll find out about that soon enough. Document everything, and I mean everything, every interaction you have with them. That's the only way to get what you have all paid for, and what they'll try to get out of providing.
Doesn't Tarion hold the bond until suite and common area deficiencies are addressed?
I live in another Cresford project. I wouldn't count on them doing what's makes sense. They're incompetent and avaricious. My building was registered over two years ago and the landscaping and exterior of the building aren't even finished. Not to mention the staggering number of in-unit and common-area deficiencies. Their appalling record of customer service didn't stop me or any of you from buying from them. But you'll find out about that soon enough. Document everything, and I mean everything, every interaction you have with them. That's the only way to get what you have all paid for, and what they'll try to get out of providing.

I live in another Cresford project. I wouldn't count on them doing what's makes sense. They're incompetent and avaricious. My building was registered over two years ago and the landscaping and exterior of the building aren't even finished. Not to mention the staggering number of in-unit and common-area deficiencies. Their appalling record of customer service didn't stop me or any of you from buying from them. But you'll find out about that soon enough. Document everything, and I mean everything, every interaction you have with them. That's the only way to get what you have all paid for, and what they'll try to get out of providing.

The builder in question has ranked dead last by a long-shot in the last couple years in the J.D. Powers Customer Satisfaction rating of high-rise builders in the GTA. Buyer beware - do your homework prior to making an investment as the issues they've had aren't restricted to a single project. Hopefully things have improved for BSN, Casa & NXT purchasers once they've occupied their units.
Bubbleandsqueak, which Cresford project are you living in? Could you take some photos of deficiencies and post them in the appropriate thread?

If you're in Windermere by the Lake, that thread is here.

Also, I notice you started a facebook group about Cresford. It would be great if you could update us on what people are saying by adding new details to the thread that you created here.

And kudos to you for your use of the word "avaricious".
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10 March 2009 photo update

I agree. Murano is the gorgeous brother. Casa is the good-looking one. There are still another 10 stories to go for Casa so it may yet outshine its sibling down the street.
i'd have to consider both developments equal and very similar. i think what will indeed set casa apart though, will be its hat-like roof, its added height, and more interesting podium.

it's location and surroundings are nicer too but that of course has nothing to do with the structure itself.
I don't know if I'd say Casa has better surroundings. I'd take Murano's dreary Bay St. environs over Casa's proximity to Sanctuary and the Brass Rail parking lot.
I have to agree with the last couple. Murano has better surroundings although CASA is a better location on the subway hub. No question however from an exterior point of view that personally I feel CASA is superior. I like the symetry with the wrap around balconies. At first I wasn't sure about the almost clear glass instead of a slight tint...from afar anyways it looks fantastic. The hat can be a huge plus for CASA but we'll have to wait and see how that actually turns out...but the podium on CASA will for sure be far more impressive.

Not saying CASA is a better building, given Cresford's reputation it could just turn out to be good from far but far from good.
Cresford and Tarion

Doesn't Tarion hold the bond until suite and common area deficiencies are addressed?

You'll also soon find out that Tarion warranties aren't really worth much for condo purchasers. They have never really figured out how they apply to condos and, therefore, they have a lot of goodwill for the developers.

Remember, Tarion is not a government program. It's basically a self-insurance pool started by the developers, and ultimately, Tarion looks out for the developers' interests.

The building I live in was supposed to have "gorgeous, polished concrete floors." This clause was written into the purchase and sales agreement. Yet, as delivered, the floors were unpolished concrete with some shiny goo badly applied to the surface. Clearly a not a substitution for greater than or equal value, right? You agree? Because Tarion did not agree and sided with the developer. A group of residents had to go to the License Appeal Tribunal to get a ruling, taking nearly two years, with Tarion and Cresford fighting the residents every step of the way.

The fact that they have money on deposit at Tarion does not seem to motivate Cresford. They get that money back if it is not spent addressing deficiencies. And, unlike in-unit deficiencies, I don't believe Tarion has any standards on how quickly developers must address common-area deficiencies.

As I said before, document every interaction you have with Cresford. And prepare to fight for what you paid for.

Good luck.
