Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

great pics guys! dt tor geek, I nominate you to hold the next UT meetup on the roof of your building! I did a quick colourized version of one of your originals:

thanks for all the great shots everyone ...

based on these photos, Casa is starting on the 34th floor
Redroom, a much better colour for those two towers of pink balconies at Church and Charles. (How did you bring out the detail in the sky?) Nicely done! The Town Inn Suites should use this pic on their brochures.

I'm kinda liking all of the boxy 90 degree angles here... but I'm wondering now if an 80 storey tower at 1 Bloor should actually have some curves.

Tomms, I hope you'll be sharing some pics of your latest venture. And I'm sure you know what your first foray should be on your return...
I use a high pass filter in photoshop and layer blending and selective colour filtering...

anyways, this midtown cluster is looking very cool! another 13-15 floors on CASA should look sweet and then we'll turn our attention to Uptown and Crystal Blu and hopey 1BE in the coming year!
CASA looks great from a distance but up close the finish on the balconies does not look good. The glass covers the concrete on the side (which is a good thing because the glass goes all the way to the edge maximizing the space) however, it looks terrible with the unpainted concrete. And Im quite certain it's going to remain that way because I don't see how you can do anything once it's already covered.

I must make a comparison as I drive by the The ARC condo every day going to work and the quality of the exterior finish is immaculate by comparison and that condo is basically in the same price category. I bought a unit at CASA because of the location and the floor plan but it's very apparent that the Cresford is more concerned with their pocket books in the short term than their long term reputation. When I was in my rescission period they bumped the prices up 18% in one shot (yes I was lucky to have bought before although wouldn't have paid the new price) I requested to switch my unit number by paying the few thousand difference to go up a couple floors between the two. They said no, they said I would have to pay the new unit price if I wanted to do that. I even offered to pay extra...but they actually wanted me to pay whatever the $55,000 greater new price was or something like that. What a bunch of pricks.

Many people with more experience than I had told me to go with a more reputable developer. Yes CASA is beautiful and I don't regret my purchase at all but you can really see a huge difference between a company like Cresford and one like the Daniel's group that actually take pride in their reputation. I'm a financial advisor and I see many people in my industry that are just in it for the money and don't care who they rip off as long as it makes them money today. I built my practice on always doing what's right for the client even if I put in work for someone without making a penny on it. I didn't make the money I could have early on, but I've never lost a client and they all send me their family and friends today. In every industry there are those in it to make the most money at any cost, and there are those that are in it for the long haul that build a reputation by putting out the best product. Sure CASA will be a good condo, but Cresford will save a penny anywhere they can...if you've been past the CASA yourself a favour and go by the ARC, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about and be amazed.
^there are a few folks who will suggest that it is a minor miracle that Casa is actually rising... nevermind its much-aligned shorter sister to the north.

Perhaps we are viewing Casa throught a lens coloured ala "OMG... a Cresford project that looks good and is within a decade of being on schedule".

Shame that you are bummed given you are a buyer who has looked closer than the rest of us and are disapppointed by what you see.

On a positive note, the corny ubiquitous rant "location location location" married to the superficial impression of Casa as a special glassy address, should help you hold on to some equity in the long run.... despite its Cresford heritage.

On the other hand, if this is your home rather than an investment, you may face a thousand little annoyances that don't happen as often with the "boring but reliable builders" (Tridel etc.).
Before we become outraged by the unpainted undersides of the balconies, it's worth remembering, for what it's worth, that staff at the finishing centre has said all along that they will be painted. A portion of one of the balconies was painted white (too bright) as a test in November. It is a 50-50 bet that some kind of treatment will be done, especially since Cresford might be forced to care about how the building looks once they get the nerve to market the yet-to-be-sold penthouses. In this market, if there is a positive, it's that the builder can't just put a sign up and start selling, there has to be some meat to go along with the sizzle. And yes, so far, so good. The building looks absolutely stunning. Not a credit to Cresford, but to ArchitectsAlliance and the construction staff.:p
Not referring to the undersides of the balconies. I'm referring to...not sure how to explain this. Okay, the facing of the balconies...if that makes sense? The glass balcony covers the facing of the unpainted cement of the balcony facings. So when you look at the building up close you see nice glass balconies slapped on top of ugly unfinished concrete.

On another note, can't be too picky...the glass itself of CASA is nicer than alot of buildings, a bit nicer than Minto Mid-town for example (not sure of the terms) as it only split at the top and not at the bottom as well. If anyone has a chance to go by the ARC it's just amazing the glass. The panes of glass are wider than at CASA and solid from top to bottom, same with the balconies, it's almost got the effect of one solid sheet of glass all the way around, it's like they're just glued to each other without any separator. Also the glass is a gorgeous hue, it's light in colour but almost tinted so that you can't see the building can retain it's look as there aren't really the need for curtains. The balconies there are also very very nicely painted and the facing of the balconies in comparison to ugly cement are covered up by gorgeous glossy sky blue material of some sort. If this type of finishing were put into CASA (and yes Cresford would have had to shell out a bit more money but again nothing too crazy as the Arc is in the same price point) this could have been THE nicest looking condo in the city....for now.
