Toronto Bloor Street Revitalization | ?m | ?s | Bloor-Yorkville BIA | architectsAlliance


I don't think any city would have the right to enforce something like this in the private realm. I suspect at the end of the day, you won't get anyone onside unless it is paid for out of the public purse. Personally, I'd rather they do what they can now and sort out these pesky details as the opportunity arise - the last thing you want is bog a project down and spend all the time (in vain) trying to get everyone on side and getting nothing in the end - which of course happens far too often.

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^^ Isn't it the public purse that's laying out the money in the first place, to be reimbursed by the BIA over 20-odd years? What about the power to enforce the common good that comes with the purse-strings? I find it mind-boggling that, evidently, Manulife wasn't brought on-board. That's a huge blunder. I just don't think the standards we settle for here would be acceptable in other important cities.
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The BIA doesn't have the power to force property owners to upgrade their side of the property - the money offered upfront by the city and reimbursed by the BIA through funds from the members is used for the public realm. The issue isn't one of standards, but one of the law.

Look at the bright side - now that the streetscaping is in place, I have a feeling there will be pressure for the property owners to redo their side of the property to the same standards when the time comes.

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I hope so but more pressure should have been brought on the property owners before the project got underway. That said, where the granite does meet the buildings' edge it looks phenomenal.
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Well, like I've said, I'd rather see this project get done (5+ years of trying to get them on side is quite enough, thank you very much) than spending even more time to get them on side for the penultimate scheme. But anyways, I do share the regret in how it could have been even better.

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That is where the city needs to develop policies that create a legal policy of urban design with penalties if land-owners don't adhere to city policies such as a specific street design. If a policy was in place then we would have the legal means to sue the property owners.
Below is an example of what could happen when the city and a private property owners cooperate. The property line for the building pictured below extends about 5 metres out from the wall yet they elected to cover their sidewalk with the same granite and even used it on the steps leading up to the Royal Bank.

Given the Manulife Centre's reputation, their high profile entrances off Bloor Street and how well they maintain their property, I'm willing to bet we'll see them take on the granite extension to the building's edge this summer or next.
^^ But given the way the granite was is cut around Manulife's pavers at their main entry, it can't be extended or corrected unless they tear out what's just been laid. On the other hand, there's a clean line separating the granite from the concrete sidewalk in front of Ashley's so maybe it can be brought the building's edge there. Considering Ashley's recalcitrance, however, I'm doubtful.
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South side:


North side of Bloor Street (west to east):

1 Bloor W. -

Crown Life Building/Invesco (Bloor & Park Rd.) -

89 Bloor E. condos -



It should be noted that a few private landlords are using the same type of new sidewalk granite on their properties along Bloor St. The new steps of the Royal Bank at Yonge/Bloor and as pictured below, the small outdoor plaza at Bloor & Avenue Rd.


The planters look great, though I do agree the areas where the granite doesn't meet the storefront look kind of silly.

I assume there's little - no chance of any public art? Any idea what they'll plant in the winter?
This is just so Toronto. It's okay but could be better. The new city slogan?

The shift has been taking place for a long time now. Instead of demanding excellence a lot of us are just happy to see things get done (that includes myself at times)...even if they're not done properly.
