Toronto Bloor Street Neighbourhood Condos | ?m | 32s | Cresford | Northgrave

I don't mind the building and I think it will be a nice addition to the neighbourhood once finished. It is an odd shape, especially the tower part. For those of you who don't know the history of this building, six floors were added on after construction had started. There really should have been one more setback maybe half way up to make it look more balanced. The two-tone brickwork (see post #444) at the base is a mistake and will be corrected later on. The darker brick was supposed to be a lot lighter. A stain will be applied to that brick to lighten it up. The stain will last about 25 years. The green coloured window frames were chosen to match the Cresford building in Summerhill (Thornwood).

View from CN Tower


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That's some nice zoomin' there, Schu. That pic really shows the densification of Bay Street, as well. Once everything else starts coming up (U, 1BE, Uptown/CB visible) this picture will be very different looking again.
I was just at the corner of Yonge and Bloor and that has got to be the dreariest intersection in the city. With the barbaric Hudson's Bay looking down at you, the empty Bazis lot on the opposite side, and construction barricades surrounding the area, the area felt like 1980s Berlin. Thankfully, my eyes rested somewhat as I spotted Casa popping into view.
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A re-imagining of the RBC bunker would be a nice addition to 1 BE and the Bloor Street development plan. All that concrete has to go.
New Picture -February 8th 2009

Looks like part of the top floor is on a slant... is it suppose to be like that?

I always catch the amazing silhouette BSN creates at sundown, while heading home on the streetcar down Broadview. That view, with the valley in the foreground, and the north-south skyline rising above the treeline in the background has got to be one of the best of Toronto.
i agree. i moved into cabbagetown this year and the views from riverdale/broadview are absolutely stunning. it's amazing how impressive the skyline has become, and will become. i think the yorkville skyline excites me more than the expanding downtown core.
February 10 2009 update

Southwest View - BSN's only "postcard" angle


South View - BSN rising behind Casa

BSN hides behind Casa from a distance
Great collection of photos, Casaguy! You'll have to do the coffee table book on this one...

Great collection of photos, Casaguy! You'll have to do the coffee table book on this one...


LOL... yes I suppose I could...

I'm not sure why I never noticed before, but I'm just realizing there are three slight setbacks on the north side of this building before the tacked-on tower portion. Not sure if that's helping or hurting this monster.
