Toronto Beyond The Sea | ?m | 44s | Empire | Richmond Architects

It depends how they define construction costs. $32m doesn't go very far, so I'd assume that is only the materials cost which is typically just under 25% of total project costs. Usually "construction costs" also include labour. But the figures that have been posted for this project and others from the Daily Commercial News cite very low figures which couldn't possibly also include the labour costs (also typically just under 25% of total project costs).
Thanks Mike!

Another questions for all those in the know, I noticed from drum’s photos the overhead power lines on the West side of the site…will they be staying or is there a chance of them getting buried in ground?
The north section is already above grade:



Thanks for the photos Drum!

Does anyone know where I can get some info on the application status?

Also, someone mentioned (on this forum somewhere) that you can go to the planning department and ask to see the construction drawings, is this correct? I will be in town in December and wouldn't mind seeing the plans if possible.
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you can call the Committee of Adjustment @ 416.364.8060, quoting file B44/09, to inquire on the outcome of the above noted application (likely approved)~

Yes, as a member of public you are allowed to go into the City Planning Department (Etobicoke Civic Centre in this case) and ask to see the Site Plan Approval drawings, which would include Site Plans, Landscape Plans, and Elevations ... but you may want to call ahead to arrange though

Try calling Michael McCart @ 416.394.8228, if necessary he will redirect you ~
Here are some pics from yesterday.

Second photo shows pre-cast on the back side of the North Tower.


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Well, I went to the City Planning department (end of March) and they asked me to fill out a form so that I can review the plans for the development. I finally received a call back from the City saying I can review the site plan but need a letter of consent from the owner to be able to review elevations, etc…

I called Empire to ask for the letter and the lady was nice and helpful, she said she’ll have to check with her boss. Received a call this morning from Empire saying sorry, but this is confidential information which can not be released for viewing (even thought I paid and arm and a leg for this unit)…. They said the plans will be available for viewing once the building registers? That’s like 2-3 years from now!

I just want to review the plans, is that too much to ask for?! I am not asking to redesign my unit; I am not asking to make copies of the plans….. I would just like to see what was submitted…

Any feedback/suggestions would be appreciated, thanks UT!
who are you dealing with @ City Planning ? Mike McCart or Shelly Tulloch should be able to just show you drawings in the application file as all documents submitted for Development Planning application should be 'public documents' that any member of public has the right to access and view ... I'm certain however, that you will not be able to obtain photocopies of the documents unless you get authorization from the owner ~
