Toronto Berczy Park Revitalization | ?m | ?s

I'm sure it's been mentioned here already, but apparently the mosaic pattern is based off a pattern they found in St. Lawrence Hall. I agree, it looks great from above and at ground level. I wasn't a fan of the fountain, and I still think its corny, and would have looked better if the dogs were bronze or something and not painted, but it's proven to be a hit regardless.
Well, sure it's corny, but by design! The fountain is about levity, fun, affection, not nobility, veneration, sobriety. It's just meant to put a smile on people's faces, and I doubt having the dogs in bronze would have created the same effect.

Wasn't there a children's area planned? What happened to it?
The plan was to have it installed for the fall, so they still have a few weeks before that window closes. I haven't seen any updates on the sculpture since March.
New sculpture being installed this morning. Perhaps for the playground?



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Is it meant to be two people? If you were to throw your hands in the air (waving them like you just don't care is optional), your palms would be facing each other. It's an interesting choice to have them oriented the other way. Anyway, I like it! Nice addition.
When I stretch, I normally turn my palms out. Maybe the BBG (Berczy Buried Giant) is stretching.

I hope these zombie hands are not a permanent addition to the park.. if they are, whoever greenlit them should be fired. They are absolutely out of place with the whimsy of the rest of the park. Horrible..
I hope these zombie hands are not a permanent addition to the park.. if they are, whoever greenlit them should be fired. They are absolutely out of place with the whimsy of the rest of the park. Horrible..

Agreed. It's basically littering the space with random artwork with no connection to the surrounding context.
