Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

Wow, It took me long enough to realize this thread existed!! I walk by this site all the time and I'm always amazed at how FRIGGEN HUGE THAT HOLE IS! My god!! It's like a mine! Massive!! Then I realized it was gonna be the tallest residential tower in the city, and it made sense lol.

I'm also amazed at cranes. How the hell do those things get taller and taller? I've seen a street crane adding extra pieces to a crane once to make it taller, but after a certain point I just can't fathom a street crane being able to reach 200m in the air!

I'm also awed by construction in general. Like where do you start?? How do you anchor something SO HUGE firmly into the ground?? IT'S FASCINATING!
couple of days ago, I was told, by someone with a hard hat on the site, that on the East side, where a crane has been set up, that is the end of digging. Of course, in due course, the whole site will be levelled to that level. Further, shortly -- what ever that term means -- 2 additional cranes will be set up on the site, making a total of 3 cranes.

wow nelly! 3 cranes??!! thats awesome, i can not wait to see this thing rise, its a giant!!! :D
I'm also amazed at cranes. How the hell do those things get taller and taller? I've seen a street crane adding extra pieces to a crane once to make it taller, but after a certain point I just can't fathom a street crane being able to reach 200m in the air!

thats exactly what i was thinking.... :S confusing stuff!
The cranes are on jacks and stay they same height throughout construction, and they climb up the middle of the building as the new floors get built.. The holes that the crane climbed through get filled in afterwards.

The building eventually supports the cranes.
The cranes are on jacks and stay they same height throughout construction, and they climb up the middle of the building as the new floors get built.. The holes that the crane climbed through get filled in afterwards.

The building eventually supports the cranes.

thanks :) i'm glad i got that off my mind
The cranes are on jacks and stay they same height throughout construction, and they climb up the middle of the building as the new floors get built.. The holes that the crane climbed through get filled in afterwards.

The building eventually supports the cranes.

It's reassuring to know what those floors will support, next time you wonder if your piano is too heavy for the condo.
Wow, It took me long enough to realize this thread existed!! I walk by this site all the time and I'm always amazed at how FRIGGEN HUGE THAT HOLE IS!

I'm pretty sure that the excavation for ROCP 1 & 2 was deeper
There are 7 underground levels at RcCP, so it likely was bigger, while ShangriLa was the first to go down 8 that I know of. This one is certainly huge in any case!

There are 7 underground levels at RcCP, so it likely was bigger, while ShangriLa was the first to go down 8 that I know of. This one is certainly huge in any case!


holy smokes! 7 on rocp!? awesome :D what a drive up, i used to be on the 4'th floor and the drive up pained me! :p i can't imagine being on the 7'th floor
Had a long talk with an inspector on site and he said this was as deep as they're going. There will be 3 cranes. One will go near the southwestern part of the site just east of the ramp and the other one will go west of the ramp. He said they'll start pouring tomorrow. I asked if they found anything while digging and he said they found a safe buried in the dirt but the only thing inside was a pencil. While talking about the height of the building he mentioned that Trump was supposed to be taller but they failed to acquire the property next door. That would be the National Club and they didn't want to sell. He expects this project to take 5 years.




Thanks for the update, Androiduk.

Please keep posting pictures of construction progress, whenever you can.
5 YEARS TO COMPLETION!!!!!. what about 4 :D!. i think 5 years is a bit too long. (it took about 5 years to build the burj khalifa!), i'm sure by this time next year, we'll be in/around ground level. and things should move fast with 3 cranes on site :D
