Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

^ That's such bull. Most councillors do care about their jobs and do put it more hours than most private sector jobs.
With the same pay scale? Doubtful.

I think that it is crazy to think that Councillors are over paid. If you want quality and educated workers you need to pay properly or no one will take the job. For instance my wife is a CMA and three quarters way done her MBA and she would be crazy to leave her current position financially speaking to make at max 150000. My wife does work long hours. 730-5pm every day and sometimes weekends with only a half hour lunch but all im saying is that if you want quality at city hall you need to pay for it other wise the people who couldnt get good enough jobs outside start applying inside.. Ever wonder why Mr Ford is at City Hall? Not bright enough to make that kind of money outside of city hall.
^Thx. KWT is a typical upstart politician trying to take credit for everything.

Okay, now you've pissed me off. Do you even know her? I've met her several times during the course of the Celebrate Yonge event and she never takes credit for ANYTHING. She consistently gave us moral support and always deflected praise to our efforts and work over her own.
Okay, now you've pissed me off. Do you even know her? I've met her several times during the course of the Celebrate Yonge event and she never takes credit for ANYTHING. She consistently gave us moral support and always deflected praise to our efforts and work over her own.

Thank you, SP!RE, I was planning on posting a response after dinner but you went first. KWT has integrity through and through, one of the councillors who is a true servant of her constituents, no ego trip at all. Plus, she has been involved in community service for a very long time, proving herself out. And who else has been spearheading a pilot rejuvenation of Yonge that we know of ... no one comes to mind.
400 th page wow! (Almost.) Certainly gonna be a lengthly read when this things completed. Lots more to be discussed on this as it goes! I like how its turning out honestly. Every new thing they have added turns out to finnish off the next. im thinking it will turn out just great! cant wait to see it in its beastliness at sunrise when completed. the sun should refect nice when viewed from the east , or dvp.
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400 th page wow! (Almost.) Certainly gonna be a lengthly read when this things completed. Lots more to be discussed on this as it goes! I like how its turning out honestly. Every new thing they have added turns out to finnish off the next. im thinking it will turn out just great! cant wait to see it in its beastliness at sunrise when completed. the sun should refect nice when viewed from the east , or dvp.

I'll drink to that! Loving it!!!
Instead of pushing for stricter regulations on fire codes, building efficiency, podium retail development, and maybe even aesthetics (facade materials, etc.) they just want to hinder development?

Pushing for ever-stricter this-and that safety regulations (which will never be strict enough for safety freaks) is a sure way TO hinder development. What's wrong with the existing fire codes?
Okay, now you've pissed me off. Do you even know her? I've met her several times during the course of the Celebrate Yonge event and she never takes credit for ANYTHING. She consistently gave us moral support and always deflected praise to our efforts and work over her own.

Clearly, you are the one that doesn't know her. KWT is just as urbandreamer described; an upstart politician trying to take credit for everything. She's overpaid and has made seriously questionable decisions after accepting projects after "meeting" with the developer when she had initially outright rejected them...

Pushing for ever-stricter this-and that safety regulations (which will never be strict enough for safety freaks) is a sure way TO hinder development. What's wrong with the existing fire codes?

I was just trying to say that there are other ways to be progressive than to limit building heights.
I know KWT too, I've been to numerous meetings that she has chaired or attended and spoken with her on numerous occasions, she is exactly as SP!RE describes. GenericUser, how about taking this discussion to an appropriate thread, your allegations are not only false but suggest something of a very serious nature here.

Existing fire codes can become outdated or may never have been strict enough, and as buildings get higher things like adding sprinkler systems to condominiums (Aura) not only makes the building safer but gives many buyers a greater sense of safety when buying so high up.
I know KWT too, I've been to numerous meetings that she has chaired or attended and spoken with her on numerous occasions, she is exactly as SP!RE describes. GenericUser, how about taking this discussion to an appropriate thread, your allegations are not only false but suggest something of a very serious nature here.

I've also gotten to know KWT as well, and I agree with your observation. Councillors bring a host of interests and ideas with them to that job, and I find her to be an intelligent, informed and well spoken individual. Part of the job of a councillor is to meet with developers in their wards. It is not unusual for a councillor to initially say no to a project. Developers can than amend or alter their proposal and bring it forward once again. Without specifics or evidence, to suggest that a councillor was somehow bought off by a developer simply because a proposal that was once rejected is then subsequently accepted, is scandalmongering.

Existing fire codes can become outdated or may never have been strict enough, and as buildings get higher things like adding sprinkler systems to condominiums (Aura) not only makes the building safer but gives many buyers a greater sense of safety when buying so high up.

Agreed. The idea that fire code improvements are being construed as "anti-development" or anti-height is simply idiotic. Fire codes are always under examination and improved upon when necessary. This constant process of evolution and improvement has hardly been a detriment to development. It's surreal that there are some who would disparage a completely reasonable process for improving safety. Development is not about height and making big skylines. Buildings are for human beings, and safety is paramount.
Clearly, you are the one that doesn't know her. KWT is just as urbandreamer described; an upstart politician trying to take credit for everything. She's overpaid and has made seriously questionable decisions after accepting projects after "meeting" with the developer when she had initially outright rejected them...

Clearly, you didn't read my post. I worked with her over the course of several weeks. I also have seen a glimpse of the wonderful changes to come out of the 501 Yonge design after she created a working group for local residents to get involved in creating a friendlier design for the building's podium. That's just to name the experiences I have with her personally. She's incredibly polite and well-spoken as well. But then, I'm interested in city-building and creating a great city to live in, not "MORE MORE MORE" and "HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT"!
