I've been walking by essentially daily ever since it opened.
Frequent fights, glass shattering, police being called, loitering, and all sorts of business that typifies Yonge and Fundas. A couple months ago there was even a stabbing inside the store. I am sure as a location that Wine Rack brings in a lot of money, but it is probably the most ill-advised position for a location.
Having overheard a conversation while in line before between a customer and a security guard working at the Atrium LCBO, that LCBO location already sees all manner of disturbances on a daily basis, and was according to that one security guard's perspective, the roughest LCBO location to work at.
While from an urban planning perspective, a street level LCBO would make a ton of sense, I have to think that it would also exacerbate other elements that would be undesirable from both the LCBO location and the Atrium's management perspective.