Mississauga Absolute World | 169.77m | 56s | Cityzen | MAD architects

The floor plate of both buildings is the same oval all the way to the top. The only reason it may look more round at times is owed to the angle one sees the building from.

Absolute D (56 storeys) rotates 1 degree per floor near the top and bottom, but up to 8 degrees per floor at the middle of the building.

Absolute E (50 storeys) rotates 4 degrees per floor for the entire rise.

Tower 5 moving up a level...





The floor plate of both buildings is the same oval all the way to the top. The only reason it may look more round at times is owed to the angle one sees the building from.

Absolute D (56 storeys) rotates 1 degree per floor near the top and bottom, but up to 8 degrees per floor at the middle of the building.

Absolute E (50 storeys) rotates 4 degrees per floor for the entire rise.

You're right about the rotations, but the floor plates do actually change as well. They're progressively less oblate through the middle, becomign almost round.

As for the number of floors, I count 50 right now - though it's hard to tell with the red protective hording (what's it called again?). 5 or 6 more floors + mechanical is another 70-80 feet, so the completed building will be one or two stories higher than the top of the crane's current height.

For those who are looking at these pictures in wonder, but have not seen the buildings in person - they really do not do them justice. Each change in viewing angle is like looking at a different building, which can be dizzying from up close. I'd have a hard time ever stepping foot on one of the overhanging balconies if I lived on a higher floor. I've bungee'd and jumped out of planes, but those are far less freaky than the distorted view you'd get from here.
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I'm really going to miss the red on the top of these towers when they are all done. It's just not going to look right for the first while.

I've always been a downtown type of person, but man, buildings like this are almost making me want to move to the 'sauga. Seriously, this is the kind of bold, futuristic stuff that is really lacking in downtown Toronto. Good for the 'burbs!
These buildings are going to be worshipped by photographers for years to come. Let's hope they are transformative for not just Mississauga, but the whole GTA.

