Toronto 77 Charles West | 65.83m | 16s | Aspen Ridge | HOK

Re: 77 Charles Street

...and because I cited Thomas Kinkade's work earlier in this thread, I thought I'd post this little mention a painting of his just got at Architectural Record's website.

Re: 77 Charles Street

As one of my friends once described him: Thomas Kinkade: Painter of Shite.

Someone should let the author of that piece know that a movie already was made about the Neue Nationalgalerie - it was a doc that was shown at the big Whitney show about Mies a few years back.

Sales office construction (on a Sunday!)



Swank Area...

This project will add to an already emerging luxury residential neighbourhood around Sultan and St. Thomas. After this, the Minto site (110 Charles West) is the only major site left to develop.

You'd think they'd have a half-decent little grocery store in the immediate vicinity. Pusateri's and Whole Foods are near by, but I mean a place to dash into for little necessities. I'm sorry, but Valu-Mart is a dump. It could use some SERIOUS renovations, considering the income and wealth in the immediate area. I would expect a grocery market more like Vancouver's Urban Fare in such a location. It's Manulife Centre for goodness sakes...former home of Bretton's, Harridges, Christian Dior, and CREED'S!!!!!
Valu-Mart keeps the luxury folks connected with what's going down on the streets (discount shopping, among other things).
Fully-decent at twice the size maybe?

I bought a small box of huge - and delicious - Ontario raspberries there on Sunday morning, for a fruit salad. They open at 8 o'clock, which is handy.

Unfortunately little Pusateri's is not much more than 5,000 square feet. I agree that this shop would better serve the neighbourhood at 2 - 3 times that size, or a more Vancouver Urban-Fare sized 20-25,000 sq ft.
Those places are a fine size for that area, we all know these people don't do there own grocery shopping or cooking. They send their hired help off to No Frills @ Dufferin Mall with empty Whole Food bags to fill. I'm actually a little surprized Yorkville never had a Harrods.
I seem to recall from back when I was very* young, that the newly opened Eaton's at the Eaton Centre had a Harrod's-like foodhall on 1 or 2 below. I certainly remember being dazzled by the colourful packaging and the gleaming food counters. In more recent years The Bay Queen Street tried a similar department in their basement level. Both were scaled back and scaled back. Maybe Downtown is just the wrong place for upscale food retailing in this city. Pusateri's has proven it works in two areas of town, as has Whole Foods so far in one area, while Bruno's Fine Foods and some other smaller establishments make a go of it in other necks of other woods.

Still, I'd love to see a big-time Harrod's type of food hall attempted somewhere uptownish, but it won't be by the corner of St Thomas and Charles Streets. One of the other Yorkville area projects over the coming years with a direct connection to the subway, and on major walking streets, would be a good location - either Bazis' 1 Bloor East or a redeveloped Cumberland Terrace spring to mind. Maybe Holt's could expand into a Cumberland redo - Holt Renfood.


*oh so young
I agree, interchange. We need a fancy food place like that. Just one.

Yes, there was a good food hall in the lower level of Eatons, until about seven or eight years ago. They had Battenberg cake, and smoked salmon, and good tea there, and other such things that I'd sometimes pick up on the way home from "work". Also, you could order food gift baskets - I sent them to my parents in England at Xmas a few times in the early '80's.

The Bay's little cake shop in the basement carries Dufflet tarts but it isn't quite the same.
I also recall said Eaton's food hall. I would wear a monocle and shop there...I felt VERY classy. Alas, now I wear my monocle to No Thrills on Wellesley Street. *sigh*
There was a detailed rendering in this Friday's G&M Real Estate section. I'm surprised no-one commented. It seems like the curved balconies are gone, but perhaps that was artistic licence. Its often hard ot comment on renderings because the quality of a buildings exterior is as much governed by materials as by form. Its like judging the quality of a painting on the basis of a sketch of it.
