Toronto 65 King Street East | 82.9m | 18s | Carttera | WZMH

Just what this area needs; more P&S crud. At least the heritage buildings will remain, and I'm happy that Tom Jones will stay, too.
Why would Carttera use aA for Sixty Colborne and P+S for the office? Sad as the office should have a larger budget.
I believe Sixty was primarily Freed with Carttera as a capital partner while this is entirely Carttera. It's not great but at least it's not the garbage Pellow pile that was initially proposed awhile back.
Arguably anything built here could be bland and background to highlight the heritage buildings on site. Something unique and nice would obviously be nicer but I think it wouldn't be an issue for a background building to be built here.
Two things to note here.

1 - This is a very preliminary rendering.
2 - P+S's Delta Toronto was UT's favourite building of 2014. When they've got a good budget behind them, they can certainly produce!

I don't know what to make of that. The Delta has a nice SSG curtainwall. Aside from that, is it really that much better than other P+S designs? Tower is pretty generic. The podium is a hulking, clumsy mass. Only gets worse at the PATH.
