Toronto 415 Yonge | 231m | 66s | Marwest | Kirkor Architects

This sold for $124,000,000 of that $161,000,000 apparently. A pretty penny for a run down office building.. redevelopment is clearly in the picture.
What does the Draft Plan of Subdivision for 2 development block mean? Are they still going to develope this building at a total of 61 storeys? Just Curious !
Interesting.............last OLT meeting on this was July 9th, 2021.

From that meeting's orders we see:

"Mr. Lantz informed the Tribunal that the Applicant is currently reviewing potential modifications to the proposal and requested that another CMC be held in the later part of November 2021."
Darn. I must be the sole person here who actually liked this. I'm normally averse to the "shards of glass" aesthetic, but this tower really appealed to me.
It's normally been when the renderings are this fanciful it's likely a zoning exercise. That is, to see what they can get away with more or less. The buildings we end up getting are far more prosaic, to put it mildly. /sigh
Now a new OPA application has been submitted:

Ward 13: Toronto Centre

Official Plan Amendment to facilitate the redevelopment of the site for a 69-storey mixed-use building having a non-residential gross floor area of 6,595 square metres, and a residential gross floor area of 34,424 square metres. 471 residential dwelling units are proposed.
I know it's not the best source, but BlogTO just posted some updated renderings of this development

Here are some of the new pics as well



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