Developer: Forum Asset Management
Architect: Superkül
Address: 307 Sherbourne St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Student Dorm, Market-Rate Rental)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 202 ft / 61.50 mStoreys: 18 storeys
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Toronto 307 Sherbourne Street | 61.5m | 18s | Forum Asset Mgmt | Superkül

KSun may be a little harsh, but do some of you even live or frequent this area? To me, riff raff = the idiots pushing weed and other drugs on Queen and Sherbourne who I see every day. The violent people who terrorize young women on the street. The drunks that hop on the bus and don't pay because the bus driver won't say anything. There are a lot of bad people in that area and I've witnessed countless amount of crap. So I'm not at all sad at the prospect to see those types leave. I'm sure those in Regent Park aren't sad to see the crap go. Unfortunately, I have to pass through this area on my way to and from work. I see the crap every day.

If you're selling drugs and/or poisoning the community you are riff raff.
Sure. There are riff raff who exploit others and won't be missed but there are lots of other people who struggle and are not lawyers or teachers. People who work in retail or fast food or who have physical disabilities, artists, single parents etc. These people are not damaging the community, but sometimes get lumped in with the people who are a problem.
Sure. There are riff raff who exploit others and won't be missed but there are lots of other people who struggle and are not lawyers or teachers. People who work in retail or fast food or who have physical disabilities, artists, single parents etc. These people are not damaging the community, but sometimes get lumped in with the people who are a problem.

Not by me. I see a lot who struggle but are positive members of the community. Those are not the people I have an issue with. Unfortunately it's the small group that makes it worse for everyone.
Seems to be roughly the same design, but now the bottom right cube is charcoal brick and balconies.

Speaking of balconies; the upper ones are reminiscent of the ones proposed for Monde.
This will really liven up the area. I hope there's retail in the first floor (doesn't seem like it in the renders?).
A very welcome development. TCHC has nearly destroyed Sherbourne street by warehousing low income earners into what has become a lower east side ghetto. People of little means crammed into an area designated for "them" always fails. The local economy withers, and development (ie. Improvements) ceases. Toronto has so many sucess stories, Crombie Park, Regent Park renovation, etc. Toronto has some of the most progressive solutions to housing on the continent yet TCHC is still living in the dark ages. I live in a very successful co- op where people on rent subsidies live next door to people paying full market value rent. We all get along and live in a thriving downtown community.
Sherbourne street needs serious help. I hope this development is the first of many for the area.
I think this is great for this spot! I do wonder if the balconys will be useful ? They look interesting certainly and will give,the residents a chance to go outside at single file.
I wish Oben Flats would cover the city in a sea of these buildings... as long as they weren't ALL luxury rentals. Us 99 percenters need somewhere to live.
I am currently working on a project for my masters of planning; finance class about the funding of development projects. Takeaway: it's very expensive. Like, really expensive. The problem is that it's way more profitable to make condos and not rentals, hence the market we're seeing. I honestly don't know how they're building rentals at all without the city is providing incentives.

I'm torn, I love mid-rises, but the investment case just isn't there. So what do we want, a city with a great form, or one that's more affordable? High rises are more profitable as we all know, but that doesn't mean the purchase price is lower in the end anyway. I don't really know what the city can do to solve this issue, but it's a lot more complicated than I ever realized. Anyone here who is more knowledgeable than me please chime in, cause I'd love to have something to research and promote.
