Developer: Forum Asset Management
Architect: Superkül
Address: 307 Sherbourne St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Student Dorm, Market-Rate Rental)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 202 ft / 61.50 mStoreys: 18 storeys
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Toronto 307 Sherbourne Street | 61.5m | 18s | Forum Asset Mgmt | Superkül

The growth in number of students is coming from students with a couple suitcases. Visit Pearson or take a domestic flight out of Pearson in August. They don't need a loading dock to move.
Ice Condos with an exclusive contract with AirBnB has a worst rep than the homeless in East Toronto. It's not a forgone conclusion that more investor owners in spandrel glass towers will have a positive effect on the reputation of East Toronto
Get ready for a lot of small units in this.
There's 2 on the ground floor that are *sub-250sf*
That's not shoring. I would have guessed soil remediation. The STS geothermal signage indicates I would have guessed wrong.
Geothermal used to allow you to tap into CMHC financing a bit easier, however they've since changed that over to affordability incorporation. Generally you'd only drill for geothermal at the bottom of your pit too, so I'm not sure what they're doing here at this time.

Permits may be premature here, @Paclo

A resubmission in the last couple of weeks seeks to add 3 more storeys, bringing this to 18s.


Still only 2 1 elevator per 136 units.




