Toronto 290 Old Weston Road | 98.55m | 29s | i-Squared | TACT Architecture

Best start with the

Keele-St. Clair Local Area Study

at this link, and the

St. Clair Avenue West Area Transportation Master Plan

at this link.

St. Clair Avenue West will be widened between Keele Street and Old Weston Road, and Davenport Road will be extended between Old Weston Road and Union Street.

View attachment 267379
Thanks for the information. I was aware of the transportation master plan, but not the individual study going on for the St. Clair / Keele area. Looks like consultations will be happening shortly, so a report will be out thereafter. There will probably be no additional movement for a little while, but I am hopeful that this area becomes a major redevelopment target with some zoning changes - seems perfectly ripe for it.
St. Clair will be widened between Keele Street and Old Weston Road, and Davenport Road will be extended between Old Weston Road and Union Street.
Are the Gunn's and Keele extensions still on the table?

Also, I still think the connection between the two Old Weston Road's in The Junction needs to be considered with a bridge eventually..
Are the Gunn's and Keele extensions still on the table?

Also, I still think the connection between the two Old Weston Road's in The Junction needs to be considered with a bridge eventually..

Chapter 5 in this PDF link may help you with the Gunn Road and Keele Street extensions. See link for the entire seven chapters.
Are the Gunn's and Keele extensions still on the table?

Also, I still think the connection between the two Old Weston Road's in The Junction needs to be considered with a bridge eventually..

I was just going to say that too - it's high time that the city rebuilt the former Old Weston road bridge over the tracks. Naturally the city will wait until all local streets are choked with traffic from present bottlenecks (it's already like that in rush hour) before it might occur to them. You'd think they would have thought of it during the diamond grade separation project a few years back.
I was just going to say that too - it's high time that the city rebuilt the former Old Weston road bridge over the tracks. Naturally the city will wait until all local streets are choked with traffic from present bottlenecks (it's already like that in rush hour) before it might occur to them. You'd think they would have thought of it during the diamond grade separation project a few years back.

From link.


From link.

The north end of the "Old Weston Road" bridge would be next to another condo. From link.
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From link.

The north end of the "Old Weston Road" bridge would be next to another condo. From link.
View attachment 267806

The fenced up area along Old Weston in that image is actually being used for staging and equipment storage for the ongoing infrastructure and upgrade work in the area. The East Junction sign shown there is an advertisement. The actual site is on the west side Symington just north of Dupont CR Railway, although that project has been cancelled now.

Event Information: 290 Old Weston Road - Community Consultation Meeting

Date and time:Thursday, November 19, 2020 6:00 pm
Eastern Standard Time (Toronto, GMT-05:00)
Change time zone
Duration:1 hour 30 minutes
Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment to allow a 29-storey mixed-use building, including a 4 to 6-storey base building, with 277 dwelling units, 4,643 square metres of commercial office space and 157 parking spaces. A new public park with an area of 205 square metres is also proposed.
Did you watch? Learn anything interesting?


Sure, some of the key takeways:
-Site has to be rezoned from Employment.
-Davenport extension is approved and funded but SmartTrack station is not. City doesnt know what fare system will be used for the line.
-City has started expropriation negotiations with residents along west side of Old Weston Rd that interfere with extending Davenport.
-Developer appears to be leveraging some kind of increased allowable density close to transit hubs to propose 29 storeys in an area where surrounding developments average no more than half the height. (I am not clear where this allowance comes from or how its possible without the station being approved.)
-Davenport extension (and assuming related roadworks as part of the St Clair W TMP) have a tentative completion date of 2027. The site will use temporary access onto Old Weston for both construction and occupant access until Davenport is complete. (For those who are familiar with what traffic is like on Old Weston currently).
-Main concerns from community were building height, traffic impacts and apparent lack of affordable housing.
I don't think SmartTrack is a thing anymore (unless I am mistaken). They even let their domain name elapse. I doubt the station ever gets built (although it would make a lot of sense). With the relief line going in the east-end, there is no good equivalent transit going north/south in the west-end, and yet, there is a booming population in that area.
I expect that the station will get built around the time that the corridor is electrified, I'm just not convinced that the SmartTrack branding will be attached to it.

Request for Direction Report, seeking to oppose this at LPAT, to the May 19th meeting of TEYCC:

Report here:

The report contains several reasons for opposition, but I highlight just a couple that I found noteworthy:




Also, the conclusion:

Further, the proposal is not in keeping with the intent of the Toronto Official Plan, particularly as it relates tothe proposed mix of uses and
appropriate transition to anadjacent low-rise Neighbourhood.The proposal does not represent good planning and is not inthe public interest.
Staff recommend that Council authorize staff to oppose the application in its current form through the LPAT appeal process and continue
discussions with the applicant in an effort to revise the application to address the issues described in this Report.
