Hamilton 1 Jarvis Street | 49.5m | 14s | Emblem Developments | Studio JCI

hmm, it is in roughly the same location, but no the original clock looked like something out of dr. seuss if my childhood memories serve me well, not sure if it had those bells but it did have some crazy chiming sounds..
Drone photo from SSP really shows how close these two buildings are together. Wouldn't it have been nice if, since the developers knew these two projects would have nearly-aligned construction schedules, they'd realigned their respective parcels so both buildings ran their longer ends N-S (ie, flip these developments 90 degrees), became corner sites, and allowed the interior balconies to still access some meaningful sunlight? Unprecedented in the development industry as far as I know, but best for future generations if we can collectively be creative enough to pull off such solvable problems today.


Jarvis ‘Square’ (pictured in the top photo) is such a flop. Even for Hamilton.

Only Hamilton would build a public parkette for cars.

There’s no plans to upgrade this to a real parkette despite the recent increase in residential density, and being steps from two supposed LRT stops.

Reminds me of the surface parking lot between Bernie Custis School & Morelli Rec Centre, where an LRT stop is supposed to go..?

Anyone still think the City of Hamilton is serious about LRT? Or public transit in general?

Jarvis ‘Square’ via Google Maps streetview:

So this is going to the CoA in early November because apparently they made some of the parking spots too small while building it, and have to ask for permission to allow it basically.
I don't understand why the city doesn't sell of some of their downtown lots to a developer, with an agreed upon timeline. This lot, and the one on Hess are prime location on the LRT route that i'm sure any quality developer would love to snatch up.
