Congrats. Keep it up. Addiction to smoking or other drugs will kill you otherwise. In 2018 my dad died from cigarette addiction at aged 69, in 2017 my mother died from alcohol addiction and I believe opiate pills at aged 67. As my dad said when telling my brother and I of his terminal cancer diagnosis, no one gets out of this alive. He was right, everybody dies, it’s inevitable, but you want to get your full nine innings.
I’m 48 now and I’ve never had an addiction because I hate them and the personal weaknesses and initial choices they represent, and this makes me much more a cold turkey person. If I think I’m drinking too much coffee I turn off the tap and it’s camomile tea for two weeks to prove it to myself.
Unless you have a serious circulatory issue or substantially partake, addiction to coffee or caffeine won’t kill you, so if that’s your go to vice, you’re on the right path. Keep it up on the cigarette stoppage, good job.