...just to initiate one; because there *hasn't* been one yet, yet the implications of his mayoralty on such issues are definitely worth discussion. (Especially as they've been hitherto swamped elsewhere on UT by dueling bigot accusations or transport talk.)
I've already framed the mayoral race as one between the "architectures" and the "design/builds"; but I'll leave the rest up to you to chime in (and I'll do so on occasion as well--indeed, some of my thoughts borderline play into rather than oppose Ford-ian precepts, though I'm not sure whether he's got the depth to notice)
I've already framed the mayoral race as one between the "architectures" and the "design/builds"; but I'll leave the rest up to you to chime in (and I'll do so on occasion as well--indeed, some of my thoughts borderline play into rather than oppose Ford-ian precepts, though I'm not sure whether he's got the depth to notice)