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Tamil Protests downtown

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Or if you want to call me racist, come and tell me that to my face and see what happens next!

Is that a threat? What business do you have for doing so on UT? How are you different from the protestors? At least in the case of the latter, their compatriots are getting killed. What claims of great distress do you have to even hint at violence?

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On the internet we say things we would never dare to say to each other face to face.

What claims of great distress do you have to even hint at violence?


I would rather not share that here, but I'm also from an ethnic group that has been oppressed and is still being oppressed..

As I just mentioned, after review, I've deleted the post
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Why is it racist to suggest that if any of these protesters have committed a crime they should be deported? That's standing policy anyway. We do deport non-citizens who commit crimes. Likewise, citizens who do commit crimes get sent to prison. I am not white and I don't think the suggestion is racist at all. I don't think it's racist to suggest that the laws on the books should be enforced...particularly when the actions of some of these protesters could well have jeapordized the lives of others.

Would you have been defending them so vigorously if one of the motorists went flying off the Gardiner in an effort to avoid crashing into a protester?

It's racist to suggest that all of the Tamils are terrorists. That's it and that's all. It's a racist statement, just as it would be for someone to claim all Muslims are terrorists or all Mexicans are lazy.

I don't think and I haven't said that non-citizens who commit serious crimes shouldn't be deported - they absolutely should.

Also: Can you point out news stories that report the crowd banging on cars and injuring police officers? I know there was one arrest made, but the brunt of news reports describe things as peaceful.
It's racist to suggest that all of the Tamils are terrorists. That's it and that's all. It's a racist statement, just as it would be for someone to claim all Muslims are terrorists or all Mexicans are lazy.

"The LTTE are clearly still holding onto that population against their will, using them as human shields," he said

If that is not Terrorist, than what is????

Also, you can't just throw the word "Racist" around like that accusing everyone of being "Racist" for opposing the Tamils!
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The LTTE is a terrorist organization. The Tamil community in Toronto who have been peacefully protesting - even those who carry the flag of the LTTE - are not terrorists. Is this an incredibly complicated idea? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

I do apologize for insinuating that you were a racist, realty - I didn't mean and I don't want to apply that label to you. I do think you expressed racist sentiments in this instance, but I absolutely could have misconstrued what you were saying.
It's racist to suggest that all of the Tamils are terrorists.

I'm not seeing where anyone did this. If you're referring to suggestions that a vast majority of those protesting in Toronto are terrorist sympathizers, it would seem naive to think otherwise.

The Tamil community in Toronto who have been peacefully protesting.

I think we've already established that these protests have been less than peaceful at times, despite the restraint of the Toronto Police.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

This would seem possible, if not likely.
Double standards being applies here in all directions...

Just because you support a rebel group does not make you a terrorist...
I'm not seeing where anyone did this. If you're referring to suggestions that a vast majority of those protesting in Toronto are terrorist sympathizers, it would seem naive to think otherwise.

I can find the quote in the Miller thread if it's totally important to you, but it's probably not worth either of our time.

As far as 'terrorist sympathizers' goes... maybe? That's a loaded phrase and it belies the complicated nature of this situation. If I'm a Tamil living in Toronto whose family members are getting killed overseas and I desperately want that killing to stop, am I a terrorist sympathizer? What if I go and get a red flag and march on a highway?

Despite the whole me-against-the-world nature of this thread right now, I'm neither an apologist nor do I believe this group was right to go on the Gardiner. I just believe we ought to avoid trivializing mass killings and labeling people who live and work among us as bad people because of this incident.

I think we've already established that these protests have been less than peaceful at times, despite the restraint of the Toronto Police.

Still waiting for back-up on this. So far I know there was at least one arrest and someone may have thrown a bike over the edge of a ramp. Not really a good idea, but not exactly enough to condemn this as an all-out violent protest.

This would seem possible, if not likely.

It would absolutely explain a lot.

Indeed, it's bad taste - no doubt - but calling someone a terrorist requires proof through their action, not symbolism.


Well said.

As far as 'terrorist sympathizers' goes... maybe? That's a loaded phrase and it belies the complicated nature of this situation. If I'm a Tamil living in Toronto whose family members are getting killed overseas and I desperately want that killing to stop, am I a terrorist sympathizer? What if I go and get a red flag and march on a highway?

It's a civil war and none of Canadas business. If their family is getting killed, they should have thought of that before starting a war in the first place..
Check out these photos...

Hmmm.. doesn't this look familar

Terrorist tactics of using HUMAN SHIELDS (and their own children too)

I've been over the 'human shields' meme already (Human shields against what? This wasn't a situation in which the police were ready to move in.)

Also, thanks for the link, I hadn't read this bit:

Another odd note: the Tamil protesters pulled out garbage bags and started to clean up after themselves...when they tried to hop over to the eastbound lanes, the cops said: "Thanks but no need; we'll take care of it for you."

That's kind of nice!
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