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Switzerland Minarets Laws

= a drawn out euphemism for xenophobia

there are peoples and cultures out there who are not cowed by this word in the manner that canadians are. for all your finger-wagging, switzerland is switzerland. it is not some vague, post-colonial jumble that fears nothing more that appearing reluctant to go along with the latest trends in international relations, or being "racist" against the latest or most obstreporous group of newcomers.

these are the ancient alpine cantons of the swiss people. they look a certain way and they intend to keep it that way. they don't care if you think that's antiquated, and honestly, the more people make horrified accusations and nazi comparisons over such issues, the more these types of accusations will lose power.

it is already very different than it was in 1998.
I'm sorry but are you taking issue with something that I have said or are you being sarcastic? Quite frankly after the second comment I really don't know what to think but if your second comment is attempting to imply that I am lucky to use the TTC or go to grocery stores because I am muslim, I was born in Canada so I have as much right as anyone else.

I am not going to apologize for my opinion but if their is something you would like to debate I'd be happy to oblige.

Adeel, I was being sarcastic. Your input in this thread is very, very insightful.

Unfortunately Tewder considers you a radical.

Tewder: If "hertiage preservation" is going to be the basis of an argument to ban one religion's steeple, than it could easily be the basis of an argument to ban same-sex marriage cakes.


While we, as a nation, recognize the rights of gays and lesbians, we ask that they make a small concession and use wedding cakes with men and women atop them. In our country, weddings have been an integral thread in the blanket that is our social culture (clunky, but it's the end of the day). Historically, weddings have been between men and women and the modification of the traditional wedding cake would symbolize the erosion of what we hold dear. Gays and lesbians should not be upset to make such a negligable concession; they should be happy they can live freely in our country!
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there are peoples and cultures out there who are not cowed by this word in the manner that canadians are. for all your finger-wagging, Saudi Arabia is Saudi Arabia. it is not some vague, post-colonial jumble that fears nothing more that appearing reluctant to go along with the latest trends in international relations, or being "racist" against the latest or most obstreporous group of newcomers.


these are the ancient alpine cantons of the swiss people. they look a certain way and they intend to keep it that way. they don't care if you think that's antiquated, and honestly, the more people make horrified accusations and nazi comparisons over such issues, the more these types of accusations will lose power.

Why not ban immigration? I could support that. It's better than accepting it as a "necessary evil".
i don't really see you as having made much of a point with that substitution... again, you just seem to be trying to provoke moral condemnation.

i hope i am not being affected by your avatar, but you are coming off as rather shrill. is not some vague, post-colonial jumble...

No prizes for guessing what country you're talking about. I'm sorry that you find yourself trapped in a "jumble" like Canada. My advice would be to go frolic in the wonderful "purity" of Switzerland, except I hear they're not so crazy about immigrants.

...against the latest or most obstreporous group of newcomers

The gall of some people wanting to build a place of worship with [shudder] towers! Eight hundred years of heritage, gone in the blink of an eye.

...these are the ancient alpine cantons of the swiss people. they look a certain way and they intend to keep it that way...

Good for them. But then I and others have every right to mock them for their ridiculous smugness and insularity.
i don't really see you as having made much of a point with that substitution... again, you just seem to be trying to provoke moral condemnation.

You referred to Canada as a "vague, post-colonial jumble" and are accusing me of baseless provocation. Cute!
One of the best things about Toronto is that it is a "jumble". Diversity has made Toronto one of the better cities to live in. When I was growing up I really did not like the idea of moving to Toronto (or staying where I was) because it was bland and uninteresting. I would have preferred to move to Montreal. One thing I can say is that the fabric that immigration has woven for Toronto has made it one of my favourite cities (although I have but days left here). I firmly believe that Canada should maintain a high (LEGAL) immigration policy, which encourages people to move here for a better life. I will admit to preferring some countries over others, but given the state now and being restrictive - I will take the state now.

Now back to Switzerland.... if it looks like a duck and acts like a duck - then it is a very dead duck... The banning of minarets was targeted based on fear of muslim immigration. As far as I am concerned, not really as bad as some countries, but I would not be comfortable being Swiss right now....
love it or leave it, eh? weird questionings of one's patriotism?

this is a witch trial. the tone has gotten hysterical, and there are too many just out to scold and preen. i'm out.
this is a witch trial. the tone has gotten hysterical, and there are too many just out to scold and preen. i'm out.

Seeing as you how you came in late and added absolutely nothing but empty big words, no one will care. Perhaps if this were Scrabble, you would have fared better.
being afraid of or disliking a theology which includes hate speech is not a phobia. a phobia is an irrational/illogical fear. now if the voters of the ban don't like islam, they should have banned the koran, but if they did that, they would have to also ban other religious texts such as the bible for they also contain hate speech, calls to violence and criminal activity.

Where are you getting this from? There is nothing in the theology of Islam that includes hate speech.
Where are you getting this from? There is nothing in the theology of Islam that includes hate speech.

are you saying that there is nothing in the koran that is hate speech?
