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Star: City of Toronto lottery?

I'm reminded of the scene in Robocop II (which I haven't seen for a long time) where the City of Detroit is forced to resort to a telethon pledge drive to save the city. Sad.
Yeah, this whole idea is pathetic. I suppose maybe we can start a program, adopt-a-Torontonian, where Albertans can sponsor an individual street repaving, or a new streetcar. Imagine, just pennies a day! You also get a photo showing your new street, and you can chart its progress from grading, through to resurfacing and line painting. Be a sponsor now, and help a Torontonian live a full, meaningful life.

Or better yet, a Toronto-thon! With your hosts William Shatner and Darryl Sittler!

Please...donate. Now. Is. The. Time. The city. Its people....needsyourhelp.

By the way, what's Sally Struthers up to these days?
There is an article on the Toronto Star online today by Royson James titled "Red ink reality eludes mayor". Looks like Toronto's deficit is about to pass the deficit of the province and the debt is about $1.9 billion. It really makes sense that Toronto has one of the lowest (I think it is the lowest) residential property tax rates in the province. Good work city council for living in the real world.
@scarberiankhatru, lol.. i love simcity, man do i miss that game, cant wait til sim city 5 to come out :)
"It really makes sense that Toronto has one of the lowest (I think it is the lowest) residential property tax rates in the province. Good work city council for living in the real world. "

Enviro, you should probably keep in mind that the average house price in Toronto is substantially higher than any other municipality in Ontario. We end up paying the same amount, maybe more, at our lower tax rates because our houses are assessed to be worth far more.
I agree with the subway station naming rights idea, with some reservations. I don't think it would be appropriate to have the McDonald's Bloor-Yonge or Starbucks Union Station. On the other hand I would have no problem with U of T paying to rename St. George station, Cadillac Fariview paying to rename Queen or Dundas after the Eaton Centre, etc. They could even threaten to rename Yorkdale to get some money out of them.

I don't agree with the idea at all.

And the idea would only work if it was open to need the competition to drive the price up.
Enviro, you should probably keep in mind that the average house price in Toronto is substantially higher than any other municipality in Ontario. We end up paying the same amount, maybe more, at our lower tax rates because our houses are assessed to be worth far more.

People pay more for housing in Toronto because its worth more to them... the housing prices didn't rise magically. More people want the property so the property is worth more. Some people want to live in Toronto but live in the burbs because that is what they can afford. When people buy a more desirable car, you levy more tax. The fact is that the city is in dire financial straights and either the city makes cuts to services and new infrastructure plans, finds efficiencies, or the city raises taxes. The city can't ignore the problem and let the debt continue to build up. If we don't raise taxes what will the plan be? Sell the parks to developers and disband the TTC? People pay more to live in the city because they want to live in the city... either they pay to keep Toronto a desirable place to live or Toronto needs to be made into a less desirable but more affordable place to live. City Hall needs to get their heads out of the sand. If the province or federal government comes to the rescue later then the city can lower taxes and/or reinstate/improve services later... don't just chart a course to municipal bankruptcy.
Lotteries? Naming rights? Its really sad when a city such as Toronto resorts to these kinds of ideas as a way to address fiscal problems. It may be a really quick cash grab, but it does nothing to address long term problems that the city is facing. Naming rights especially would go a long way in helping to degrade public spaces in the city.

Im really surprised that more people are not making real attempts to stand up for Toronto. The leadership in the city is terribley weak with lots of talk and rhetoric but no action. Add to that apathy on the part of its citizens. People seem to want a better city, but no one wants to have to do any work to improve it.

I know many people are going to reply and say that the city is doing lots and improving and getting better and toss out a few examples. And Im not saying there are not good things taking place in Toronto. However, overall, there are some rather serious issues that plague the city right now and its really frustrating to watch them be ignored or dealt with in a rather timid way. I really hope people in Toronto, and not just small, fringe groups, but a majority of people, start to stand up for Toronto more than they are. Toronto is a good city with a lot of potential and it would be sad to see that wasted because people just didnt give a shit about the city.
Can't we just sell the Gardiner and DVP to the 407 folks?

Selling assets is a one time gain. Operating costs can't be paid for responsibly by selling highways, telephone poles, and surplus land, yet this council continues to try and balance the budget this way.
never sell the assets. it's the worst kind of prostitution.

better the city toll the highways and put the money raised into city hands. a cheap toll wouldn't be a bad idea, the only problem is that it's political suicide. better to toll the highway
than to raise property taxes. people can choose not to use a highway but people have no choice but to pay taxes.


please take this poll. it's related...
The city could lower costs by paying its employees less. There's no labour shortage here preventing that.

I know a lot of you are socialists and would rather pay people more, but I'm hoping when the city truly enters the crisis, reality will prevail.

(not that I wouldn't love a $20 minimum wage, if one day money started growing on trees)
I doubt anyone will have the cojones to suggest road tolls. If I remember correctly, Miller supported it in the beginning of his campaign but dropped it later on.
The city could lower costs by paying its employees less.

I'd like to volunteer to drive a streetcar or a subway train. Where do I sign up? :)
