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Sign in the window of bGood today - “Sorry we closed. bGood staff”. No indication if temporary or permanent.
Latest date for completion of external heritage lighting of South Market is 'early September". Apparently they need to do something with the sign over Front Street so it gets lit properly.
UPDATE: July 15. Apparently (though it's a replacement sign), they needed a new sign permit and the application is posted (to August 9). The remaining heritage lighting is all set to be installed once the new sign is up, or so I am told.
Front St has been removed from the list of locations on the website.Sign in the window of bGood today - “Sorry we closed. bGood staff”. No indication if temporary or permanent.
It is another example of the slow work to implement the Heritage Lighting Master Plan for Old Town Toronto. This Plan is NOT funded but sets a path forward and allows the City and others to seize opportunities. Next up is the lighting of St James Cathedral which was funded to a large extent through Section 37 $$$. The wiring is happening now and the building should be lit by Christmas. Next is maybe the Young Peoples Theatre on Front St. The Plan also deals with STREET lighting and this part is going less well, as it involves Toronto Hydro.Nice lighting upgrade. Is this a one-off or part of that St. Lawrence neighbourhood beautification project developed, oh, a decade or so ago now? Typical Toronto - big, ambitious plans announced after a nauseating amount of time spent on design, discussion, debate, consultation, revision, submission, and approval, only for years or even decades to pass with complete silence before something happens, if ever...
Redevelopment of St Lawrence Centre for the Arts. Coming to their Board next week. See:
Well, they're certainly keeping what they have in mind under wraps at this stage.
I wonder if they'll get away with something tall here, considering the park across the street.