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Speakers Corner given the gag


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Feb 19, 2008
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Speakers Corner given the gag

Then prime minister Jean Chretien poked a loonie in the slot and spoke his mind at Speakers Corner during the 2000 federal election campaign.

Rogers pulling the plug on the Citytv show that has let Toronto sing or vent for 20 years
Jun 12, 2008 04:30 AM
Speakers Corner has been silenced.

Rogers Television, current owners of the local Citytv station and its cross-country cousins, has effectively pulled the plug on the venerable Toronto institution, a conduit for the community for the past 20 years.

The street-corner public-access video booth, established in the late 1980s, has provided a platform for anyone with a loonie and 120 seconds to spare, from former prime minister Jean Chrétien to the Barenaked Ladies, to vent or praise or promote their issues – or themselves.

The original Speakers Corner at Queen St. W. and John St. was shuttered within days of the CTV purchase of CHUM almost two years ago, before the Citytv franchise was split off by government decree and sold to the Rogers conglomerate last year.

Even last night, the City website was still touting the booth's temporary relocation to the Rogers Centre and, eventually, to the new Citytv storefront studio in Yonge-Dundas Square, now under construction.

That would appear to no longer be the case. "No, it isn't," confirmed Citytv vice-president and general manager Jamie Haggarty. "But our plans are evolving every day. The (Speakers Corner TV) program will stay on the air till August, so we're not pulling the plug right away. But the plans for Dundas Square were just that, plans. We have nothing committed, nothing announced."

Back on Queen W., the Barenaked Ladies got their earliest exposure by cramming themselves into the tiny booth to sing "Be My Yoko Ono" (the 1990 clip can still be seen online, at

A decade later, then-prime minister Jean Chrétien made an election-year appearance to promote the vote, which he subsequently won by a considerable margin.

A young Mike Myers travelled frequently from Scarborough to the Corner to refine his act.

An unknown Scott Speedman, with no prior performance footage, drove down from Thornhill to use the booth to audition for TV's Felicity, the role that kick-started his career.

Madonna, Harrison Ford, Timothy Leary, Irving Layton, Stephen Baldwin, Kim Campbell, Pinball Clemens, Maury Povich ... all have stopped in at some point to speak their piece.

Even the elusive Prince, when he was living in Toronto, became an avowed enthusiast: "I love Speakers Corner," he told The Canadian Press in 2004. "I just love the idea of it. I am so tempted when I go by to stop the car and go into the booth and say what I have to say."

He never did. And now it's likely he'll never get the chance.

An internal announcement yesterday informed Citytv staff that the weekly Speakers Corner compilation show would not be renewed for fall. Should the concept be revived, it will likely be as an online entity.

"We like the brand," insisted Haggarty. "It's a great brand. It's just that viewership isn't coming through on TV. Our wireless guys and our digital team are looking at how we can evolve it to the digital media. We may still have the booth, but it'll be more of a Web presence than a television presence."

The Speakers Corner controversy is the second in as many weeks for the Rogers-run Citytv news operation, which just as abruptly announced the immediate cancellation of Silverman Helps, the station's 19-year viewer advocacy unit, fronted by veteran broadcaster Peter Silverman.

"I told them, time and time again, that I wanted to do one more year," protested Silverman, calling in from the cottage. "Twenty years of Silverman Helps had a nice ring to it. That would have been August of 2009, which would at least have given us the chance to tell the audience, `Look, he's retiring. He's an old crow now. He's done his bit. Don't write in any more, because the program is ending.'

"That would have been the decent thing for the people who relied on us to help them, and we had about 20,000 requests a year. That would have been the dignified way to go. Instead, we were called downstairs into the boardroom and told that, as of that moment, we were closed down.

"When we asked what the rationale was, we were told, `We don't have to give you a rationale.'"

A cloud of helpless resignation now hovers over what's left of the Citytv news team. Many despair over what they see as the abandonment of everything that originally defined the station and its two-way connection to its audience.

"We have more user-generated content than ever," argued Haggarty. "We're not any less committed to defending the consumer. We're reviewing and relooking at everything. This is all just a part of the process."
Old man Rogers doesn't need anymore money. I actually seek out services that don't send my hardearned $$$ to him.:mad:
The Speakers Corner controversy is the second in as many weeks for the Rogers-run Citytv news operation, which just as abruptly announced the immediate cancellation of Silverman Helps, the station's 19-year viewer advocacy unit, fronted by veteran broadcaster Peter Silverman.

"I told them, time and time again, that I wanted to do one more year," protested Silverman, calling in from the cottage.

It makes sense that Rogers - which probably has the most deplorable customer service attitude of any company that ever existed in the universe - would get rid of Silverman Helps.
i knew this company was up to no good the moment they renamed the skydome.

to me, it's still....

Canadians hate on anyone who has become a successful businessman in Canada.

People just hate Frank Stronach for no apparent reason, apart from the fact he is rich and that he helps out a lot in charities.

It wouldn't happen to be due to Rogers and their poor customer service, their participation in a television/high speed internet duopoly with Bell, their high rates for cable, wireless and internet?

There's lots of rich Canadians for which there's no hate-on. The Irvings, the Westons, the Lee-Chins, the Thomsons, the McCains, Peter Munk, Seymour Schulich. Few people here have complained about Frank Stronach.

Getting back on topic, this is exactly what I feared would happen. Many things unique about City are being gutted thanks to this nutty drawn-and-quartering of CHUM, and I see it as headed in the same direction as SunTV (for which the original Craig acquisition of that last broadcast licence was the first domino in this unfortunate chain).
Though even without the change in ownership, I kinda felt Speaker's Corner's days were numbered: a tatty relic of pre-Web interactive vox populii excitement that was probably better off retired a la Electric Circus. So let's not overdo the Rogers-bashing, huh...
I wonder what CTV is gonna do with the former Speaker's Corner booth. It was being renovated when CityTV was sold off.

The outside reno seems to be finished though. The glass is covered from the inside with photos of people squeezed into the booth but the door (opening) is sealed shut by some metal wall they just installed this week.
Doesn't really surprise me. It doesn't really fit in with the times anymore. It was a pre-internet thing.

Also, wtf Silvermann helps is awesome! Why would they get rid of that show? Stupid!
It makes sense that Rogers - which probably has the most deplorable customer service attitude of any company that ever existed in the universe - would get rid of Silverman Helps.

Um, "probably"? They consistently deliver the very worst "customer service" of any Canadian company.
It wouldn't happen to be due to Rogers and their poor customer service, their participation in a television/high speed internet duopoly with Bell, their high rates for cable, wireless and internet?

Thank you for phrasing this better than I would have.
CityTV stopped being innovative about 15-20 years ago. They have not produced a single original television show in the last decade (two decades?). Heck, Rogers Cable 10 has been more innovative!

Sorry to point it out, but this sucker has been dead for some time.
"There's lots of rich Canadians for which there's no hate-on. The Irvings, the Westons, the Lee-Chins, the Thomsons, the McCains, Peter Munk, Seymour Schulich. Few people here have complained about Frank Stronach."

No I think the initial comment stands, various groups have a hate on for each of these Canadians as well. The particular distain aimed at the Rogers family here is because of the techno-geek skew. The same demographic who has / had a deep hatred for Bill Gates even though he is one of the most successful businessmen of our age and held in high regard amongst many around the world.
