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Spadina Subway Extension


There is a HUGE amount of info in this EA will take ages to digest the implications.

Indeed, I was just looking over a few appendices and I was overwhelmed at how much was in this.
From today's Star:

$1.5B to extend subway
Duncan to announce 6.2-km York University extension to Spadina line in March 23 provincial budget: Sources
Mar. 7, 2006. 05:33 AM

Funding for the much-anticipated York University subway line is expected in the March 23 provincial budget, the Toronto Star has learned.

Sources say Finance Minister Dwight Duncan will use his first budget to announce the $1.5 billion, 6.2-kilometre extension of the Toronto Transit Commission's Spadina line from Downsview station to York's campus.

It would be the first TTC rail line into Greater Toronto, crossing the city limits to Vaughan on the north side of Steeles Ave.

Sources say the project would be a huge political boon for the Liberals as they gear up for next year's election.

The expansion into the GTA is significant because the Liberals want to retain the seats they hold in the 905 area code, a region that has traditionally been a stronghold for the Progressive Conservatives.

"Traffic gridlock is a major issue in the 905 and people there want to see that we are doing something tangible to alleviate that," said a government source.

It's not clear how much of the price tag Queen's Park will cover, but city hall has been asking the province and Ottawa to each kick in $500 million toward the project. Nor is it known how soon construction could begin.

Liberal insiders say corporate tax revenues are so much higher than projected that the government will have more than enough money for a high-profile investment in the TTC.

"Put it this way, (the province) is having a hard time showing a deficit this (fiscal) year," said one source, noting Duncan prefers to eliminate the budget deficit in dramatic fashion next year — just in time for the Oct. 4, 2007 provincial election.

As disclosed by the Star on Saturday, Ontario has an estimated $1 billion corporate-tax windfall in the treasury. By law, that money has to be spent — or earmarked for spending — by the end of the fiscal year on March 31 or else it must go toward deficit reduction.

That's why Duncan announced Friday he would table the budget on March 23 — almost two months earlier than usual. An aide to the treasurer declined to confirm or deny that new funding for transit would be in the budget.

"We won't speculate what's in our budget," Sean Hamilton said yesterday.

The York subway extension would be a GTA public transit hub that would include GO Transit buses, York Region Viva bus rapid transit, as well as TTC bus service.

Environmental assessments have already been done on much of the land needed for the extended line.

York Region has long pressed for the Yonge subway line to come north from Finch station to Richmond Hill. But the TTC wants the under-utilized Spadina line to be the one that is expanded, taking passenger pressure off a Yonge line already packed to capacity.

With the extension, York Region passengers could begin and end their subway commute at the new Steeles station, rather than at Finch.

Starting at Downsview station on Dufferin St., the extension would travel west along Sheppard Ave. to stop at Downsview Park, north on Keele St. to Finch, continuing along Keele before veering northwest onto York University's campus and then ending at Steeles.

While the York extension has long been promised but never delivered, it is not a major surprise that the Liberals are set to move forward with it.

Former finance minister Greg Sorbara, MPP for Vaughan-King-Aurora, has long been a champion of the line.

"The question is when we're going to start," Sorbara said last September, before he stepped down as treasurer due to an RCMP investigation involving his family's company.

"My preference would be earlier rather than later. We're working on financial issues with other levels of government, notably the TTC and the federal government," he said at the time.

"Certainly, we will be partners in the next phase of this and obviously in the subway. The subway linkage is critical to making not just the city of Toronto's transit system move more effectively, but Viva as well. It (the York campus) will become one of the major hubs for a better GTA transit system."

Since Duncan succeeded Sorbara last fall, there has been no major change in the government's fiscal policy.

The subway extension is not the only transit project that could be addressed in the upcoming budget. It is expected the popular Viva bus rapid transit system will receive $7.5 million in bridge financing to help the second phase of the project, which will move buses into their own lanes on Highway 7 and Yonge St., among other thoroughfares. There is an environmental assessment set to get underway for a Viva lane on Warden Ave., north of Steeles.

Proponents in the 905 have also been pushing for cash for GO Transit's bus rapid transit project. That could mean funding toward the Mississauga Transitway, with an expansion of bus-only lanes on Highway 403 into employment hubs such as Pearson International Airport. As well, there are other GO Transit rail projects — notably a train to Barrie and third-track construction on the Lakeshore line — announced by previous provincial and federal governments that have yet to be realized. The infusion of funding toward public transit fits in with Premier Dalton McGuinty's long-stated dream of a regional transit authority.

Legislation creating the Greater Toronto Transportation Authority, which would include the TTC, GO Transit and other local systems, is expected as early as this spring.

Meanwhile, there was further evidence at Queen's Park yesterday that the provincial treasury is brimming.

Agriculture Minister Leona Dombrowsky announced $125 million in new funds for farmers to be sent out before the spring planting season begins.

Dombrowsky, who refused to say whether Duncan was also giving her ministry an additional share of the new-found provincial largesse in the budget, said the farm bail-out includes $80 million for grain and oilseed producers who lost money in last year's crop. An extra $35 million will go to fruit and vegetable farmers, while $10 million will go toward an Ontario livestock and poultry "traceability system" in case of a food-safety emergency.

With Files From Kevin McGran and Ian Urquhart
Former finance minister Greg Sorbara, MPP for Vaughan-King-Aurora, has long been a champion of the line.
Sure he is, not only does the line end at his riding boundary but Sorbara and his friends, who own most of the land in the surrounding area, will see their property value increase huge. However, the extension is a good thing for the city's northeast and hopefully should take some pressure off the Yonge line.
Great news. Let this be a start of many more subway extensions.:D
just for reference how long is the Sheppard line extension in km? and it has 4 stations on it right?
Transit advocate Steve Munro weighs in on the extension:

We cannot afford to be trapped into building plans that are decades old without examining the alternatives. These alternatives must embrace variations in network structure that are possible with different technologies. The Spadina Extension EA has done a thorough job of looking at one option, and I fear that’s the only option we will ever see.
make downtown more transit friendly?

Most people in downtown Toronto will use public transit regardless of overcrowding or poor service. To make downtown more transit friendly defeats the purpose of solving gridlock and getting people downtown from the surrounding areas without increased congestion on the highways.

There needs to be a total rethinking how the TTC meshes with the entire GTA transit network and goal should be reducing gridlock on GTA highways.
Most people in downtown Toronto will use public transit regardless of overcrowding or poor service. To make downtown more transit friendly defeats the purpose of solving gridlock and getting people downtown from the surrounding areas without increased congestion on the highways.

The logic you've presented is somewhat twisted, however, since you're basically "punishing" those living in dense, transit friendly areas in order to improve service to outlying, low density areas that can't be served efficiently. While the goal of reducing gridlock is laudable, the mechanism by which it is achieved isn't, and it comes at a high cost (just think the process as to why TTC started to incur deficits)

In addition, TTC capacity in the core is finite - so unless one also improves the capacity "downstream", improving transit for the 905 by feeding them straight into TTC could have unpleasant results (i.e. the reason why they chose not to extend the Yonge line)

There needs to be a total rethinking how the TTC meshes with the entire GTA transit network and goal should be reducing gridlock on GTA highways

Now, such a repositioning of the TTC creates a dilemma, that is, local vs. regional service - and who should ultimately pay for that regional scheme (afterall, as it stands right now, the service is subsidized locally). Besides, such a scheme requires a committment to deal with the underlying issue behind gridlock, that is, an overdependance on car use as a result of poor land use planning, otherwise, it'd be a meaningless exercise of throwing money into a sinkhole.

One of the tricks to getting more people out of cars and onto subways especially folks from the 905 is convenience, this means a seat to sit on. One of the main complaints from people who commute from York Region is the lack of sitting room on GO and TTC trains. Who wants to stand on a crowded train from Finch Station to downtown or Richmond Hill GO station to Union Station. The ride is uncomfortable and most choose to drive instead. The benefit with the Spadina extension to Steeles will be access to seats and not having to endure the 'sardine' experience like the Yonge line is already at Finch. I agree, we who commute by car are spoiled by our comfortable seats and freedom. The folks at VIVA have it right, provide comfortable seating and plenty of it and more drivers will be encouraged to use it,,but then endure the 'sardine' experience when the bus arrives at Finch Station.

I am not sure if the comfort factor is that big a deal - most chose to ride on transit to the downtown core simply because driving is not a reasonable alternative, both in terms of convinence and cost.

Comfort in the case of VIVA is also paid for by decreased efficiency - can you imagine how many more subway trains would have to be run in order to have everyone getting a seat?

Great news, but we still need to create a CONNECTED SUBWAY NETWORK IN TORONTO. Lines must be integrated to relieve pressure and make it easier to subway around the top half of the city without going down to Bloor. The Sheppard line must be connected to Downsview Stn or the new Sheppard West Station & over in Scarborough... Yonge/University/Spadina line should be looped along Steeles or Hwy 7... Eglinton MUST be built (density already there, busses overflowing, should extend TO PEARSON AIRPORT - no need for fixed link!!)... How about a Queen St or Queen's Quey subway to make downtown more transit friendly?

The great transportation gurus like Ed Levy, Richard Soberman and the Planning Dep't all agree... WHY SUCH A GAP BETWEEN ALL THE AMAZING TRANSIT PLANS AND IMPLEMENTATION/MONEY?

P.S. you know we have some transit issues in our fair city when a sound & much needed St. Clair Ave Streetcar ROW has to go through so many hoops to get passed along one of the widest streets in T.O. Damn SOS... has anyone checked the funding sources for those idiots at Save Our St. Clair? ... It reads like a 905 phonebook listing!!! Great to see construction finally started though…
can you imagine how many more subway trains would have to be run in order to have everyone getting a seat?

I agree, but the purpose of this extension is to get more ridership from the surrounding area, especially north of Steeles. This area is car rich and it will take some coaxing to get those folks out of cars onto subway trains. The current experience with overcrowding and standing room only just discourages those folks from making the change from car to transit or its all just a waste of money.
