Southcore Financial Ctr: PricewaterhouseCoopers Tower (18 York St, bcIMC, 26s, KPMB)

As someone who uses the train to commute to downtown everyday, I can attest to the value of the tracks right where they are..
However, I do agree that they are an eyesore, and a bit of a barrier.
In their current position, with nothing being done to the tracks themselves, it would be incredibly easy to just.. well, build a roof over them.
Though you are right maestro, it's not exactly something they can start today and be done next week.. It should happen eventually, but other stuff around the city are more important right now.
11 October 2010: Decent if conservative-looking building here, here's all I could get late last night:

I'm not saying the tracks are a useless thing... they definitely serve their purpose. it's a direct hub in/out of the city. what i'm saying is that it's a huge barrier that separates the Southcore/Cn tower/waterfront area from the city... I'd wish they'd at least hide the tracks with a green roof or something like that. or a massive pedestrian walkway... oh well.


does anyone have the link to the torontolegdocs for the southcore financial center/delta/bremner tower (the towers beside 18 York)? i just wanna know how the site plan is going to look.
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a green roof is an amazing idea... too bad everything costs $$$.... even better yet, put a solar panel roof and generate electricity.
I want this demolished:


Who's with me? Biggest eyesore in the city. Is it covered in aluminum siding or something? Totally ruins all of front st.

Loving the clad colour on SF though.
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Actually, while that building isn't terribly loved on architectural or urbanistic grounds (and it's considered more an insult to the foot of University than it is to Front), I wouldn't knock it for its cladding per se; that sort of high-tech polished steel aesthetic was quite the thing three decades ago, and not without justification--the most illustrious example being none other than the ultimate "taller Citigroup tower"

And say what you will, but the cladding comes off better (i.e. not so cheap-and-nasty) here than in the King Hyatt nee Holiday Inn...
On the artist's render, the glass appeared lighter on the RH side of the front of the building than the LH side. However,the glass on the building appears to be all the same colour (no contrast). Does the tint of the glass look different in person? Has anyone else noticed the difference between the render to the actual building?
