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Sapphire Update, out-of-business (Stinson)

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Cass: Do you have any elevations by chance? I'd offer my own two cents but renderings arent always the best way to judge.
There are no official elevations yet but let me whip-up some side and front angles in my 3D app. Give me a few mins.
OK, I've removed as much of the wireframe details from my 3D model as I could so you could get a bit of an idea of what the tower's elevations look like. The left is the east 'elevation' and the right is the north.
I like it, as rendered -- and I wouldn't have any complaints if it is built as shown.

However one MAJOR question is, will there really be 22'x50' panes of glass, as shown in the rendering? Never mind, I can answer that -- NO. Once the actual 4'x10' panes are put in, with windowframes, and a couple feet of painted metal between floors, the building won't be quite as sleek as the rendering suggests.

cass, any chance of adding that into the rendering? who knows, if done right it might even improve the building.

Second, I'm not sure about the chiselled roof. I'm having trouble imagining it as an actual building -- when first I saw the rendering it looked out of perspective (because I didn't figure out that the building is not a square). Might it look strange from the ground? Perspective can ruin what seems like a perfectly good shape -- as the designer of the Parthenon famously realized.

The chiselled roof might look really good, too. I'm just having trouble picturing it.
Another suggestion, Stinson might as well go to the the same design of the old Downtown Plaza and make it 73 stories. Just a thought

He can't do that. 73 floors on the north side of the building would shadow on City Hall. This is his way of going as tall as possible without shadowing issues.
Thanks for the quick work Cass.

Overall, its ok. As far as the massing is concerned, I think it will work fine in the area its being built. Its just a touch on the bulky side, but again, just remembering the context off the top of my head from last time I was in the area, I think it will be ok.

Design wise, I cant say its something Im excited about really. The roof and the stepbacks near the top really seem to be thrown in as an afterthought as a way of dealing with shadowing issues instead of part of the overall design. I suppose its not much of a concern since it is so high up and it really wont be noticed by many people but looking at it in the elevations it really doesnt seem to work as it is.

The only other element I would probably comment on would be street level but since there isnt anything by which to evaluate it on, Ill reserve any judgement.
Cass - your elevations don't seem to show 73 floors - they seem to have 60-something...

That's because they're not elevations - just part of my 3D mesh ;)

Maybe some of these will help with some creative juices. NOTE: Do NOT post these anywhere else please. None are official and were only used by me to try and interpret ideas which Harry has in his mind but had a difficult time relaying. Most weren't anything close to what he was looking for anyways but maybe you guys can think up something.





The site is really small so bulky it won't be. Think 1 King only taller. As for the street, anything will be better than the back alley that it is today.
Thanks for the suggestions so far. One thing to keep in mind is that the "staircase" look at the top isn't written in stone. Harry would like as many large terraces as possible but that doesn't mean the overall look has to look like stairs. Keeping that in mind are there other suggestions?

wrt the base - that'll probably be left up to the architects and I'm pretty sure parking will be moved underground now :D
It looks like they didn't even try for this one. The first design was incredible but of course to good to be true. They could have done a much better job with the 2nd model.
CASS: it's a bit of an awkward rectangle to achieve something that isn't slab-like from north or south, but I dig "terraced" buildings and I think there's potential.

Here's what I came up with.

I'd like to see the terracing taken further with an almost "Escher-esque" turn.

To achieve this with similar massing on the same footprint, the terraces would be much steeper and some square footage would be lost floorplate-wise, but..........

.... any loss of square footage would be mitigated by the a) increased price point one could charge and b) a good architectural firm could deliver something the city would actually approve. ;) ;)


** imagine a third descending "turn" of the terraces at the bottom of the lowest visible step. :)
I will agree that the second concept (the 2nd and 3rd renderings) is the best. I do see one issue with it though and that is the somewhat random nature of the recesses for the balconies and solariums. In terms of construction, when you start getting very specific plans that require something outside of the usual forms, cost can increase a lot. When projects get scaled down it is usually features that this that are the first to go for those very reasons. One idea might be to make the recesses even in an easily replicable and constuctable manner. The idea but just a simple checkerboard could work quite well. And if you wanted to add a little flair maybe just throw in 2 or 3 two storey solariums that would offer a small break from the pattern. This is going to be high up and seen by almost no one so keep in mind that it can have some creative elements but they should be easy to construct and should also maximize the terrace sizes as much as possible.
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