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Sapphire Update, out-of-business (Stinson)

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The problem with Harry is that he shouldn't be releasing renderings (I use that term loosly here) before they are ready. No offense to Cassius but that image shows the massing more than anything else. I'm waiting for the architects to take a run at it before I pronounce it a winner or loser.

And I don't see a problem with the developer giving the architects a rough design to work from. Cheap look cladding aside, 1 King is a pretty cool looking building.
No matter how you cut it, 1 King is an interesting building to look at. Wouldn't call it beautiful but its not hard on the eyes. Its just so.... unique looking.

Unlike that "thing" they built with the stilts. God in heaven, that monster is horrible. My mother came to town last fall and never having heard of it she blurted out "What is that? Its just so.... ugly".
apparently it's one ugly mother... uh, frightener?
The "thing" they built on stilts, uh, what is it, some freakin' art college or something, was the best damn thing added to our urban mix in years.

Let's hope that Will Alsop gets a number of new projects built in this city: he would have been the perfect architect to design something great for PenEquity at Yonge and Dundas, and he'd make a good choice for any developer that wants to put up an avant-garde high-rise condo.

Any developer that is, except for Harry - the two would kill each other.

The fact that it is even standing is an increadible feat of modern technology and engineering.

Hardly reassuring to people to live there.
I'm having 2nd thoughts about the current design of Sapphire Tower. It's not really to appealing. The chisseled effect looks odd. Also, the emerald like colour clearly shows a rip off attempt of the Trum Tower. Another suggestion, Stinson might as well go to the the same design of the old Downtown Plaza and make it 73 stories. Just a thought.
Another suggestion, Stinson might as well go to the the same design of the old Downtown Plaza and make it 73 stories. Just a thought.

I'd rather have him go with this one. It's more simple... less chance he'll screw it up. It might be helpful if we email him some examples of good-looking windows though.
The stilts thing is ugly. Might be innovative, might be different but man, the sight of it turns my stomach. I still go with my mother's intial reaction upon seeing it and take it as a big "no". As in "it stinks".
re:yes I have thought about it. You?

All the time Cass.

^^^^^And for all the negative comments above ^^^^^^

I'm sure these renderings are of an unfinished design that's in it's preliminary stages. Most designs start off simple and only become more complex as final decisions are made. As the weeks progress and we get closer to a final design the look of this building, colour, choice of materials, and possible rooflines may change drastically. This building promises to ad a bit of undulation to our downtowns otherwise flat look, and while I myself am not a fan of green, the end choice of hue may look great. It's not as though our core is full of green towers. If I could make one request to Harry, it would be to light up the angled roof somehow.

One more point, not to many developers would try as hard as Harry does to put buildings in locations that most other companies would over look, and for that I thank him.
I've been wondering about that -- why does Harry choose such difficult locations? What is his economic advantage in doing this? Some thoughts:

-maybe he can buy the land cheaply because nobody else sees the value

-maybe it's just the first land he happens to get his hands on, and he won't admit that it would be easier to build in another location

-he wants to build on the primest of prime Toronto real estate, and there's just not much available

-he overpays for property and then has to build on it just so he doesn't take a loss

Those are all uninformed guesses, of course. With anybody else I'd just assume that there is a sound financial reason for it... but with The Harry, I get the impression that straight-up finance is not all there is to the man.
I've knocked the man enough that it's pretty clear I'm not a fan of his methods, but I have to say, the guy is a fighter - he has a vision, and he goes after it pretty hard until, through some unlikely miracle, the job gets completed.

It may not be the original vision when all is said and done, but it's something, which is more than can be said for the majority of people out there. The guy obviously dreams big and has the balls to get out there and make something happen, no matter what it takes.

It's kind of scary to look at sometimes - and I don't have any money in any of his projects. It's like one of those cinderella-type underdog teams in the NHL playoffs with a hot goalie and a lot of luck. Eventually you figure the dream is going to come crashing down, but then again, sometimes sevem games later, they're hoisting the Cup overhead.

Is that methodology sustainable over a series of large-scale projects? I doubt it, but hey I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again.

I think Harry is an outside of the box thinker, and he sees value where more traditional-types don't. Given his lack of prior experience, I suspect that he doesn't have the kind of financing to stick his neck out as far as a Trump who might be able to buy a corner at Adelaide and Bay and sit on it for years.

5 King was a little sliver of land that no one saw any value in, but Harry did. To his credit, he built a hell of a tall tower on it when many people said it couldn't be done. Depending on who you ask, 1 King is somewhat less than great in the details and exterior finishes, but it's there.
Can anyone offer suggestions or constructive criticism of the tower's design and not the renderings themselves? Ears are open.
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